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Store Cattle Report 200524

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly Sale of 351 Store
Cattle & Feeding Bulls of all classes.

A strong number of cattle were forward for the month of May and trade held strong even with the recent down turn in prime stock value.

The sale topped at £1895 with a 23-month-old Limousin cross bullock from Messrs M T P & S D Wills, Fawcett Park, selling to Mr D Barker. This same home sold a Limousin cross heifer to £1825 purchased by Mr A Skelton. This consignment of cattle averaged £1815.

Yearling and grazing type cattle sold exceptionally well throughout the sale, and held previous sale values.

Dairy Bred cattle topped at £1585 for a pair of 23-month-old Angus bullocks from Messrs J Wilson & Son, Southfield, with same home selling three Angus heifers to £1395.

Our next sale will be held on Monday 3rd June, entries close noon Tuesday 28th May.

Leading Prices
Store Bullocks
Limousin - £1895, £1775 Fawcett Park; £1745, £1485 Nook Farm; £1645, £1580, £1525 (3),
£1395, £1265 Low Row; £1635, £1575, £1555, £1525, £1495, £1485 (2) Newlands Mill;
£1575 Far Close Farm; £1465, £1435, £1405, £1265 Town Head Farm (Holliday); £1375
Claylands Farm; £1365 Nook Farm
Simmental - £1675, £1495, £1355 Newlands Mill
Hereford - £1625 South Field (Wilson)
Aberdeen Angus - £1585 (2), £1545, £1355 (2) South Field (Wilson); £1425 Low Row; £1425
Nelson Hill Farm
Piedmontese - £1515, £1505 Newlands Mill
Charolais - £1425 Thackwood; £1115 Bowderdale
Blonde D’Aquitaine - £1425 Newlands Mill
Black & White - £1415 (3), £1215 (3) Low Row; £1215 (2) Stepends
British Blue - £1375, £1365, £1355 (2), £1325, £1285 (3) Brampton Hall; £1365, £1355,
£1335, £1285 Town Head Farm (Holliday); £1365 Thackwood; £1295 (2) Low Row; £1275
(2), £1215 Bonny Farm; £1275 (2) South Field (Wilson)
Fleckvieh - £1235 Town End Farm (Burne)
Montbeliarde – £1235 Town End Farm (Burne)
South Devon - £1145 Low Row

Store Heifers
Limousin - £1825, £1805, £1775 Fawcett Park; £1785, £1775 Skelling Farm; £1675, £1395
(2), £1355 Low Row; £1625 The Elephant; £1585 (2), £1495, £1385 Nook Farm; £1545
Thorneycroft; £1495, £1435, £1375 Thackwood; £1485, £1475, £1435, £1295, £1285 (2),
£1255 Barnskew; £1435, £1275 Scales Farm (Braithwaite); £1435, £1240 Highgriseburn;
£1205 Town Head Farm (Holliday)
British Blue - £1665, £1585, £1535, £1525, £1485 Far Close Farm; £1465 Macey Bank; £1305
Low Row; £1295 Bonny Farm; £1285, £1265 The Elephant; £1245, £1225, £1215 Pennine
View; £1245, £1205 Thackwood; £1235 (3) Town End Farm (Burne); £1225 Nelson Hill Farm
South Devon - £1555 Low Row
Simmental - £1545, £1425, £1345 Thorneycroft; £1425, £1385, £1345 High Griseburn;
£1205 Skelling Farm
Charolais - £1495, £1285 Low Row
Aberdeen Angus - £1395 (3), £1345 (2) South Field (Wilson); £1395 Low Row; £1365 (2)
Nelson Hill Farm; £1315 Bonny Farm; £1245 Town End Farm (Burne)

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