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Calves & Stirks - 10.05.24

On Friday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 208 Rearing Calves and Stirks forward.

Trade continues to fly here in Penrith for all classes with again a massive show of Stirks. Topping today’s sale at £920 on 3 occasions firstly for a pair of Limousins Bullocks from Messrs E A & W Strong, Ploveriggs and again a Aberdeen Angus Bullock from the same home. Heifers topped at £900 for 2 Limousin again from Messrs Strong, Ploveriggs with this homes run of 12 at 10 month old averaging £857.50.

Dairy bred cattle topped £890 for a pair British Blue X Bullocks from Messrs A F & B A Dawson, Rash Mill Cottage. Messrs Carlile, Fowrass sold 2 Simmental Heifers at 8 months old to £830. A keen ring side of buyers are eager for Stirks here fortnightly at Penrith and many more can be sold to vendor’s advantage.

Calves topped today at £550 for a Charollais Heifer from Messrs Harrison, Penny Hill Park with Bulls following on at £485 from Messrs Todhunter, The Beeches Farm the same home also sold Blues to £480. Angus calves still receive strong demand topping at £425 from Messrs J H & J E Taylor, The Harras. Messrs R W & A J Jackson, Clarks Farm sold a 3 week old Blue Bull at £380.

Reared Black & White calves were met with spirited bidding topping at £305 from Messrs Ellaway, The Elephant which sold 7 at 2 month old Holstein Bull calves to average £242.86.

Our next sale will be held on Friday 24th May at 10am, please contact Paul Gardner on 07552 589141 to advise entries.

Leading Prices
Bullock Stirks
Limousin - £920 (2), £890 (2) Ploveriggs; £580 (2) High Barn
Aberdeen Angus - £920 Ploveriggs; £615 (7) Cairnbridge Farm
British Blue - £890 (2) Rash Mill Cottage; £730, £690 Fox Tower View; £640, £570 (2) High Barn
Black & White - £630 Grahamsfield Farm; £420 (5) Holme Farm (Bousfield)
Hereford - £560 Lamonby Hall

Heifer Stirks
Limousin - £900 (2), £840, £830, £820 (2), £640 Ploveriggs
Simmental - £830 (2) Fowrass Farm
British Blue - £590, £520 High Barn; £580 Fox Tower; £500 (2) Dearham Hall
Aberdeen Angus - £560 (7) Cairnbridge Farm; £405, £370 (3) Greengill Head; £400 South Dyke; £390 (2) Dearham Hall

Bull Stirks
British Blue - £690 The Grange; £650 Clarks Farm; £600 Cliburn Hall; £580 (5) Dearham Hall; £560 (3), £540 (2) The Grange
Limousin - £670 Cliburn Hall; £630 Grahamsfield Farm; £600 Clarks Farm
Beef Shorthorn - £615 Clarks Farm
Aberdeen Angus - £530 Dearham Hall; £500 Clarks Farm; £500 Greengill Head; £440 Nether Colinhurst
Hereford - £480 The Grange
Black & White - £400 (5) Lamonby Hall

Heifer Calves
Charolais – £550 Penny Hill Park
Aberdeen Angus - £510 Penny Hill Park; £295 Fordsyke Farm; £200 Brackenburgh Home Farm
Simmental - £510 Penny Hill Park
Limousin - £410, £390 Lodge Farm
British Blue - £340 Beeches Farm; £300 (2) Blunderfield East

Bull Calves
Limousin - £485 Beeches Farm; £480, £365, £332 Cliburn Hall
British Blue - £480 Beeches Farm; £450 Cliburn Hall; £440 (2) Blunderfield East; £390 Brackenburgh Home Farm; £380 Clarks Farm
Aberdeen Angus - £425, £400, £380 The Harras; £365, £285 Brackenburgh Home Farm; £270 Blunderfield East
Black & White - £305, £235 (3), £230 (3) The Elephant; £290, £150 Clarks Farm; £220 The Harras
Beef Shorthorn - £225 Clarks Farm
Hereford - £205, £165 Townhead Farm (Lowther)

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