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Store Cattle 260224

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 185 Store Cattle and Feeding Bulls of all classes.

A blistering trade was witnessed throughout the sale, with all classes a excellent to sell. The sale topped at £1955 for a pair of nineteen-month-old Limousin bullocks from Messrs D H & E R Strong & Son, Well House, selling to Mr W Barker. This consignment of 10 averaged £1845.

Dairy-bred Limousin bullocks topped at £1900 for a nineteen-month-old from Messrs T J & J M Powley, Blands Farm, selling to Mr I Forsythe. A pen of three from the same home closely followed this trade at £1895. This consignment of twelve bullocks & heifers averaged £1781.25.

British Blue cross British Friesian bullocks topped at £1845 from Messrs A Tiffin & Son, Wham Head, this consignment averaged £1791.97.

Dairy-bred heifers topped at £1745 for a British Blue from Messrs M Ridsdale & Son, Yew Tree Farm. Messrs T J & J M Powley, Blands Farm, also sold dairy-bred British Blue heifers to £1715 twice and £1705 three times.

A pair of twenty-two-month-old Aberdeen Angus cross Holstein heifers from Messrs J J Henderson & Son, Park House, achieved £1585, purchased by Mr A Skelton.

Our next sale will be held on Monday 11th March, this is the Annual March Show & Sale of top-quality Continental store bullocks and heifers, entries for this close Noon on Monday 4th March.

Leading Prices
Store Bullocks
Limousin - £1955 (2), £1915, £1855, £1845 (3), £1815, £1765, £1655 Well House; £1900, £1895 (3), £1795 (2) Blands Farm; £1785 Ploveriggs; £1705 Murrah Hall; £1675, £1355, £1295 High Howe; £1625 Dacre Banks Farm; £1575 Amazone House; £1495 Far Close Farm; £1425, £1405 Hawbank Farm; £1255, £1205, £1125 Sleddale Hall; £1235, £1185 Dalvorich Cottage; £1135 (8) Millbeck Hall
British Blue - £1845, £1825, £1705 Wham Head Farm; £1775 (2), £1695 (2) Street; £1765 Far Close Farm; £1635, £1595 Murrah Hall; £1525 Dacre Banks Farm; £1465 Hawbank Farm
Charolais - £1605 Yew Tree Farm
Beef Shorthorn - £1525 Hawbank Farm
Aberdeen Angus - £1515 Ploveriggs
Saler - £1465 (2) Dacre Banks
Simmental - £1445 Bowness Farm
Black & White - £1185 Bowness Farm
Montbeliarde - £1005 (4) Crossrigg

Store Heifers
British Blue - £1745, £1655 Yew Tree Farm; £1505 (3), £1295 (2), £1175 (2) Park House (Henderson); £1135 (2) Dalvorich Cottage
Limousin - £1715 (2), £1705 (3), £1655 Blands Farm; £1585 Far Close Farm; £1505 (3) Amazone House; £1495, £1455 High Howe; £1455, £1425 Hollins Farm; £1435 Macey Bank; £1345 Ploveriggs
Charolais - £1635, £1505 (2), £1475 (3) Glebelands; £1585 Yew Tree Farm
Aberdeen Angus - £1585 (2) Park House (Henderson); £1325 Yew Tree Farm; £1165 Macey Bank
Beef Shorthorn - £1375, £1265 Hawbank Farm
Simmental - £1355 Bowness Farm
Hereford - £1035 (4) Dalvorich Cottage
Belted Galloway - £1035 Dalvorich Cottage

Store Bulls
Limousin - £1655 Barbon Fell House; £1275, £1265, £1225, £1215 Hacra

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