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Store Hoggs - 31.01.24

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers Mart held their fortnightly sale of 500 Store Hoggs of all classes.

A larger offering forward met with another flying trade. Sheep proved a joy to sell topping on two occasions at £130 for 2 Continentals from Messrs Cowper, Newbridge and secondly for a pen of 11 from Muncaster Home Farm. Muncaster Home Farms run of 48 averaged £124.65.
Suffolk hoggs sold to £128 for 4 from Messrs Wells, Hallgarth. Mule topped at £118 from Messrs Wells, Hallgarth.

Many local clients are still requiring store hoggs. Our next sale is on Wednesday 14th February.

Leading Prices
Continental - £130 Newbridge; £130, £125, £121 Home Farms; £116 Town Head; £110, £104, £102, £93 Sunny Bank; £107 Kitridding Farm; £107 Town Head; £106 How Hill; £102 Gosling Terrace; £100 Low Moor Dyke; £94 North Gill Bank; £92 Far Bank End; £92 High Greenrigg Farm; £91 Town Head.
Suffolk - £128 Hallgarth; £114, £98 Stone Bower; £87 Far Bank End; £86 High Greenrigg Farm.
Texel - £122 Hall Garth; £114 Kitridding Farm.
Mule - £118 North Gill Bank; £102, £92 Hewgill House; £95 North Gill Bank.
Cheviot - £106 Town Head.

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