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Sale of In-lamb Ewes & Shearlings 190124

On Friday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held a sale of 600 in-lamb Mule stock ewes and shearlings from Mr I Oliver, South Brandon.

Credit was due for a consignment of excellently bred Ewes & Shearlings in great condition. A large scanning percentage of lambs to strong ewes in great health averaged a hefty £172.50. The sale topped at £212 per head for a pen of 20 superb Mule Shearlings, purchased by Mr P Bouch, Kirkoswald.

The run of Mule ewes achieved a very consistent trade for 2-4 crops, averaging £167.72, topping at £180 for a pen 20, purchased by Messrs BS & J Strong & Son, Hewer Hill, with several pens achieving £170 - £175.

Cheviot Mule ewes achieved £188 ahead, closely followed at £174.

All in all, a very successful sale was witnessed with plenty of interest around the ring for from both local and travelled buyers.

Leading Prices -
In-lamb Shearlings
Mule - £212, £205, £190 South Brandon
Leicester - £190 South Brandon
Texel – £188 South Brandon

In-lamb Ewes
Mule – £180, £178, £176, £175 (4), £170, £168 (5), £166, £165 (2), £162 (2) South Brandon
Cheviot Mule – £188, £174 South Brandon
Zwartble – £160, £150 South Brandon

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