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Store Hoggs - 17.01.24

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers Mart held their fortnightly sale of 500 Store Hoggs of all classes.

Store Hoggs continue to follow trend with the prime section and are in high demand. Today’s sale topped at £116 for a pen of 14 from Messrs Johnston, Castle Bank with his run of 27 Texel Hoggs, averaging £114.81.
Mule Hoggs topped at £96 for a pen of 20 from Messrs Lord, West Dowgill.
Store Hoggs are needed fortnightly to meet buyers’ requirements.

Leading Prices
Texel: £116, £115, £96 Castle Bank; £96 West View.
Continental Hoggs: £106 Carleton Drive; £101, £95 Long Meadows; £101, £98 Pewter Close; £98, £96, £88 Holme Farm; £95, £90 Scales Hall; £90 Willow Close.
Cheviot: £102 Holme Farm.
Suffolk: £101 Pewter Close.
Mule: £96 West Dowgill.
Swaledale: £60 Hazelgill.

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