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Messrs Iredale, Home Farm, Patterdale on behalf of Patterdale Estate Dispersal - 07.11.23

A late entry in the season from Patterdale Estate, Holme Farm attracted plenty of interest around the ringside.

Both genuine fell stock and careful breeding contributed to a brisk trade. The sale topped at £138 for a pen of 15 Cheviot 2 Crop/3 Shear ewes selling to Messrs A & R Brownlie, Melrose.

Numerous pens sold in excess of £110 with gimmer shearlings peaking at £125 for a pen of 10 selling to Miss D Horn.

All in all, a very satisfactory trade was witnessed and all classes realising their full potential.

Leading Prices
Breeding Ewes
Cheviot: £138, £130, £120 x2, £115, £112 x3, £110 x4, £105 x2, £100, £98, £96 Patterdale Hall.
Swaledale: £70, £68 Patterdale Hall

Gimmer Shlgs
Cheviot: £125, £105, £100 x3, £94 Patterdale Hall
Swaledale: £68 Patterdale Hall

Gimmer Lambs
Cheviot: £88, £70, £65 Patterdale Hall
Swaledale: £78, £50 Patterdale Hall

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