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Bluefaced Leicesters 2023

On Sunday evening Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fourth Annual Sunday Show & Sale of Crossing Bluefaced Leicester’s, kindly sponsored by Peter Horn Mobile Sheep Dipping.

The afternoon proceedings started with some strong show classes presented to our judge Mr Ashley Caton, Otterburn Lodge. Infront of him was a record class of 18 Ram Lambs. Champion honours were given to Messrs Lord, Hewgill with lot 34, a lamb sired by M22 Hewgill, a superb well presented, stylish and modern sheep with great bone and carcass, purchased by Mr S Procter, Villa Farm and G & A White, Hillside. The same home topped the sale at £6500 with a shearling ram truly bred for crossing purchased by Messrs WM Hutchinson & Sons, Redgate & Messrs J Ireland & Son, Stock Howe Hall. All shearlings sold, 33 in number averaged £949.39.

The sale from start to finish was packed with consignments of rams and females for crossing, which was a great attraction for buyers looking for modern crossing sheep, a huge reason for this sales success, with a 91% clearance rate.

Messrs R B & D J Bousfield, Renwick peaked at £3500 for Lot 89, sired by P013 Asby Hall achieving £3500, jointly bought by Mr M Wallace, Farneyshields and Messrs P J & J Dawson, Kentmere, with this consignment averaging £1866.67.

Despite previous sales, Penrith certainly bounced back with a packed ringside of buyers from start to finish and vendors going home highly delighted with several surpassing their expectations with all rams sold averaging £909.63.

The pre-sale show was in the capable hands of Mr Ashley Caton, Otterburn Lodge Farm, who awarded the following: -

Show Results

Class 1 - Shearling & Aged Rams
1st Mr C Kipling, White House, with lot 118 (shearling) sold for £1,200.
2nd Messrs S & W Maughan, Street House, with lot 70 (shearling) sold for £1,600.
3rd Messrs Lord, Hewgill, with lot 31 (shearling) sold for £6,500.
4th Messrs I & P Brown, Oak House, with lot 92 (shearling) sold for £500.

Class 2 - Ram Lambs
1st Messrs Lord, Hewgill, with lot 34 sold for £5,500.
2nd Messrs I & P Brown, Oak House, with lot 93 sold for £750.
3rd Messrs S Allan & Sons, Greenhow, with lot 133 sold for £1,300.
4th Messrs S Allan & Sons, Greenhow, with lot 132 sold for £1,400.

Class 3 - Females of Any Age
1st Messrs P & A Sowerby, Langton, with lot 112 (ewe) sold for £300.
2nd Messrs P & A Sowerby, Langton, with lot 113 (2 shear ewe) sold for £400.
3rd Messrs P & A Sowerby, Langton, with lot 115 (shearling) sold for £350.
4th Mr JH Little, Leavyholme, with lot 118 (shearling) sold for £300.

Champion - Ram Lamb from Messrs Lord, Hewgill.
Reserve Champion - Shearling Ram from Mr C Kipling, White House

Leading Averages
£4933.33 (3) Hewgill
£1866.67 (3) Laypool
£1466.67 (3) Kirkby Redgate
£1300 (4) Street House
£1025 (2) Cockleberry
£1000 Wythe Sike
£933.33 (3) Skeughdale
£883.33 (3) Yore House
£847.50 (8) West Coast

Leading Prices

Shearling Rams - £6500 Hewgill; £2000 Greenhow; £1600, £1200, £1000 Street House; £1450 Cockleberry; £1200, £1100, £1000, £800 (2), £700 West Coast; £1200, £700 White House; £1100 Yore House; £800 Oak House; £700 Hegdale.

Ram Lambs - £5500, £2800 Hewgill; £3500, £1200, £900 Laypool; £1800, £1600, £1000 Kirkby Redgate; £1500, £1400, £600 Leavyholme; £1400, £1300 Greenhow; £1200, £700, £500 Howgate; £1200 Crossfell View; £1100 Yore House; £1000 (2), £800 Skeughdale; £1000 Wythe Sike; £900, £750, £700 Oak House; £900 Crossfell View; £700, £600 Old Parks; £700, £500 Sky High; £700 Rookby Farm; £700 Binsey; £600 Midtodhills; £600 Langton; £600 Wescoe; £500 Ling; £500 Kilnstown; £500 Langton.

Ewes - £400, £360, £350, £300 Langton.

Gimmer Shearlings - £300 Leavyholme.

BFL Lamb 2023.jpg

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