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Store Cattle 110923

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly Sale of 374 Store Cattle & Feeding Bulls.

Another great show of store cattle was forward, with trade still continuing to exceed vendor expectations.

A top price of £1,935 was achieved on two occasions, firstly for a cracking Limousin cross bullock from Mr JD Bowman, Croft House. Heifers sold to a top of £1825 for a great Limousin, also from Mr JD Bowman, with this consignment of four selling to average £1,850.

Mr WH Brass, Low Row also realised £1,935 for a strong twenty-five-month-old Charolais bullock. This home also sold some exquisite pure Friesian bullocks to top at £1,675, with a pen of six selling for £1,515.

Messrs D & ML Nelson, Petteril Green, sold two lovely fourteen-month-old Aberdeen Angus bullocks to £1,185.

A large ringside of buyers ensured that all cattle were keenly bid for, and many more could have been sold to vendors’ advantage. Please do get in touch to enter for our next sale of store cattle and feeding bulls of all classes, which will be held on Monday 25th September, this is our Michaelmas Prize Show & Sale. Entries for this sale close noon Monday 18th September.

Leading Prices
Store Bullocks
Limousin - £1935, £1905 Croft House (Bowman); £1685 Brampton Hall; £1665 (5), £1585, £1535 Low Row; £1615 (2), £1525 (3) Sleagill House; £1605, £1545 (2), £1455, £1435 (2), £1355, £1315, £1255 (3) Three Gables; £1595 Temsend Farm; £1555, £1515, £1425, £1265 Nook Farm; £1555, £1275 (2) Ploveriggs; £1485, £1435 (2) Townend (Wilson); £1475 (2) Crosby Lodge; £1315 Scales Farm (Wilson); £1255 High Lodore Farm (Weir)
Charolais - £1935, £1595 Low Row; £1225 Scales Farm (Wilson)
British Blue - £1845, £1755, £1675, £1605 (2) Low Row; £1845 Fawcett Park; £1645, £1615 Brampton Hall; £1635 Temsend Farm; £1565 (2), £1435 Glebelands
Hereford - £1685 Low Row; £1345 Ploveriggs
Black & White - £1675, £1515 (6) Low Row; £1365 Brampton Hall
Simmental - £1675 Low Row; £1125 Ploveriggs
Aberdeen Angus - £1185 Petteril Grange; £1135 (4) Roanstrees
Montbeliarde - £1185 Arnold House

Store Heifers
Limousin - £1825, £1735 Croft House (Bowman); £1755 Fawcett Park; £1705 Temsend Farm; £1555 Thorneycroft; £1535 (3), £1475 (4), £1285 Sleagill House; £1485, £1475, £1445, £1385, £1375 Ploveriggs; £1465 Dalvorich Cottage; £1455 (3), £1415 (2), £1345, £1285 Hacra; £1415, £1255 Arnold House; £1395 (2), £1315 Low Row; £1335, £1285 Nook Farm; £1335 Scales Farm (Wilson)
Charolais - £1725 Fawcett Park; £1375 (2), £1275 Arnold House; £1345 Low Row
British Blue - £1675 Temsend Farm; £1645, £1425, £1275, £1245 Brampton Hall; £1375 (4) Park Head; £1355, £1335, £1285 Dacre Banks Farm; £1305 (3), £1275 (2), £1265 Arnold House
Simmental - £1515, £1385 Thorneycroft; £1245 Dalvorich Cottage
Aberdeen Angus - £1395 Low Row; £1145 Street House (Strong)
Hereford - £1345 Dacre Banks Farm

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