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OTM Cattle 241022

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers Mart held their fortnightly sale of 95 OTM cattle.
A large entry of cast cows and bulls was forward to our complete ringside of buyers, with flesh being in short supply.

The sale topped at 207.5ppk for a British Blue X cow, weighing 655kg from Messrs E & R Brass, Barnskew, realising £1359.13, purchased by Mr D Barker.

This was closely followed at 206.5ppk for an eight-year-old Limousin X cow, weighing 747kg from Messrs G & JE Bell, Far Broom, totalling £1542.56, this home also realised £1625.40/193.5ppk for a Charolais cow.

Dairy-bred cows topped at £1657.50/187.5ppk for a British Friesian from Mr JD Bowman, Croft House, purchased by Mr D Barker. Young Holstein cows achieved £1189.0/185.5ppk from Messrs TR & PE Little, Low Moor Dyke, selling to Mr L Fell.
A consignment of four Holstein parlour cows averaged £1188.06/165.5ppk from Messrs Hayton, Penny Hill, topping at £1408.30/170.5ppk.
A consignment of British Friesian cows from Messrs JH Capstick, Lockholme Hall, averaged £1272.38/161ppk, topping at 167.5ppk.
Holstein cows, straight out the parlour averaged £1285.16/165.5ppk from Messrs DW Cannon & Son, Low Abbey, topping at £1457.63/172.5ppk. Foreign Holstein parlour cows achieved £1309.50/159.5ppk from JR Tiplady, The Bramery.

A six-year-old Normande cow achieved £1463.60/185.5ppk from Mr J Findlay, Moorside House.

Stock bulls topped at £1737.99/184.5ppk from TW Bell & Son, Hill Top, purchased by Mr S Helliwell.

Leading Prices
Cast Cows p/kg
British Blue - 207.5 Barnskew
Limousin - 206.5 Far Broom; 198.5, 171.5 The Wath; 197.5 Westray; 194.5, 187.5 High Grounds; 192.5 Brackenslack; 191.5, 173.5 Croft House (Bowman); 186.5 Low House (Dickinson); 184.5, 173.5 Ellergill; 179.5 Hollins Farm; 174.5 Mosedale End; 173.5 Littleback
Charolais - 193.5 Far Broom; 192.5 Westray
Black & White - 187.5 Croft House (Bowman); 185.5 Low Moor Dyke; 180.5, 171.5, 170.5 Penny Hill; 176.5 Moorriggs; 173.5, 172.5 Low Abbey; 172.5, 159.5 The Bramery; 171.5, 167.5 Cape Farm; 169.5 Mount Clifton; 168.5 Ratten Castle; 167.5, 155.5 Lockholme Hall; 165.5, 163.5, 161.5, 154.5, 151.5 Roanstrees; 163.5 Lodge Farm; 161.5 High Grounds; 157.5 Yew Tree Farm (Ridsdale); 156.5, 154.5 Kirkbarrow Hall; 153.5 Beeches Farm; 151.5 Bunkers Hill; 150.5 Wickerslack
Normande - 185.5, 171.5, 169.5 (2), 164.5, 157.5 Moorside Farm
Beef Shorthorn - 168.5 Far Bank End; 165.5 The Wath
Montbeliarde - 161.5 Beeches Farm
Dairy Shorthorn - 153.5 Moorriggs

Cast Cows £/head
Black & White - £1657.50 Croft House (Bowman); £1457.63, £1424.44 Low Abbey; £1412.78, £1309.50 The Bramery; £1408.33, £1320.55 Penny Hill; £1354.31 Mount Clifton; £1314.54, £1174.11, £1151.88, £1007.34 Roanstrees; £1291.43, £1253.33 Lockholme Hall; £1274.25, £1011.70 Cape Farm; £1254.92 Moorriggs; £1241.12, £1082.03, £1034.64 Yew Tree Farm (Ridsdale); £1189.06 Low Moor Dyke; £1154.12, £1109.59 Kirkbarrow Hall; £1132.32, £1088.34 Ratten Castle; £1128.15 Lodge Farm; £1115.49 Penny Hill; £1113.53 Bunkers Hill; £1052.98 High Grounds; £1045.31, £1011.36 Wickerslack; £1013.10 Beeches Farm
Charolais - £1625.40 Far Broom; £1316.70 Westray
Limousin - £1595.20, £1117.34 Croft House (Bowman); £1542.56 Far Broom; £1445.73 Howgill Castle; £1443.51 Low House (Dickinson); £1387.44, £1309.42, £1120.81 Ellergill; £1328.25 Brackenslack; £1300.03 Mosedale End; £1290.00, £1237.02 High Grounds; £1264.45 The Wath; £1243.94 Hollins Farm; £1232.40 Westray; £1216.24 Littlebeck
Normande - £1463.60, £1311.93, £1298.37, £1296.26, £1262.24, £1013.61 Moorside Farm
British Blue - £1359.13 Barnskew
Beef Shorthorn - £1082.37 The Wath £1053.13 Far Bank End
Montbeliarde - £1070.88 Beeches Farm
Dairy Shorthorn - £1034.59 Moorriggs

Cast Bull p/kg
Limousin - 184.5 Hill Top (Bell); 173.5 Westray
British Blue - 177.5 Ellergill
Simmental - 161.5 Whitbarrow Farm; 150.5 Ellergill
Hereford - 133.5 Dolphenby Farm

Cast Bulls £/head
Limousin - £1737.99 Hill Top (Bell); £1736.74 Westray
Simmental - £1718.36 Whitbarrow Farm; £1551.66 Ellergill
British Blue - £1430.65 Ellergill
Hereford - £1244.22 Dolphenby Farm

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