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Prime Cattle 260922

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of Prime Cattle.

Prime cattle topped at 277.5ppk/£1859.25 for a well-fleshed Limousin heifer from Mr D Raine, Old Parks, purchased by Cocklakes Farm Shop.

A larger offering of prime bulls was forward to average 244ppk. Topping at 268.5ppk for a British Blue bull from Messrs Pearson, Manor Farm, realising £1981.53 purchased by Mr Owain Llyr, with this consignment averaging 245ppk.

Leading Prices

Prime Heifers p/kg
Limousin – 277.5 Old Parks

Prime Heifers £/head
Limousin - £1859.25 Old Parks

Prime Bulls p/kg
British Blue – 268.5, 247.5 Manor Farm (Pearson)
Limousin – 249.5, 242.5 (2), 241.5 Waterside House
Simmental – 231.5, 229.5 Manor Farm (Pearson)

Prime Bulls £/head
British Blue - £1981.53, £1613.70 Manor Farm (Pearson)
Limousin - £1690.50, £1617.48, £1598.08, £1591.81 Waterside House
Simmental ¬- £1634.39, £1510.11 Manor Farm (Pearson)


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