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Prime Cattle 040722

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of Prime Cattle.

A mixture of both dairy-bred and suckler-bred heifers were forward, with demand holding very strong on the week. The sale topped at 264.5ppk/£1938.79 for a Limousin cross heifer from Mr D Raine, Old Parks.

Dairy-bred British Blue heifers topped at £1504.09/225.5ppk from Mr S Wood, Arnold House, Ivegill.

Leading Prices
Prime Heifers p/kg
Limousin – 264.5, 252.5 Old Parks
Charolais – 231.5 Arnold House
British Blue – 225.5 Arnold House
Stabiliser – 224.5 Arnold House

Prime Heifers £/head
Limousin - £1938.79, £1727.10 Old Parks
British Blue - £1504.09 Arnold House
Charolais - £1347.33 Arnold House
Stabiliser - £1135.97 Arnold House

Raine, fat heifer 040722.png

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