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Prime Sheep 250522

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their weekly sale of 2,838 prime sheep, comprising of 595 prime lambs, 552 prime hoggs & 1,691 cast ewes and rams.

I lovely show of prime lambs was forward to an increased ringside of buyers with plenty of orders. The sale averaged 327p/kg, topping at 405p/kg (£174) for a superb 43kg Texel cross lamb from Mr RA Crichton, Rottington Hall, Whitehaven, purchased by Mr M Bowe. This consignment of well-fed Suffolk cross Texel lambs averaged 345p/kg (£148.25) for 42kgs.

The whole sale averaged £137.82, topping at £176 per head for 47kg Texel cross lambs from Messrs Metcalfe, Home Farm. This home also sold some 54kg Texel lambs to total £168.

Abattoirs and wholesalers are now looking to swap over to spring lambs, vendors are advised to start and draw.

Hoggs sold to one of the dearest trades of the season, with meat and weight bringing in some fine returns. The whole sale averaged £125.26, topping at £173 (270p/kg) for 64kg from Messrs Pearson, Manor Farm, selling to Mr J Tucker.

Messrs JG & RW Nevinson & Son, High House Farm, sold a run of 24 Texel cross hoggs, weighing 60kg to average £160.33 (266p/kg).

Handy weight hoggs were in short supply with Messrs JL Potter & Son, Town Head, selling a run of 39kg clipped Texel crosses to average £118 (300p/kg).

Cast ewes and rams met a dearer trade with the whole sale averaging £145.39, topping at £300 for a Texel ewe from Holme House, bought by Pak Mecca Meats, Birmingham. A total of 97 ewes and rams sold between £200-£300.

A consignment of Texel ewes from Messrs JW Crozier, Raggetsyke, Lockerbie, averaged a staggering £217.20, topping at £298 purchased by Mr J Tucker.

Numerous pens of heavy ewes were forward achieving some phenomenal returns, with Suffolks regularly £170-£180 a head, topping at £212 from Mr AJ Bell, Thethwaite. Mule ewes averaged £131.23 topping at £151 per head on two occasions, firstly for a pen from Messrs Henderson, Park House, and secondly for a pen of 3 from Mr RJ Benson, Kettleside Farm.

Horned ewes topped at £123 for a pen of 19 Scotch Blackfaces from Holme House, selling to Mr N Lomax. All Blackies in the sale sold to average £116.34. Swaledales topped at £117 from Messrs W Ridley, Woodhall, with all Swaledales in the sale averaging £90.22.

A total of 59 cast rams sold to average £170.98, topping at £226 for a pen of three from Messrs DR & HM Horsley, Woodhouse, selling to Mr N Lomax. A pen of ten rams from Holme House sold to £215 per head selling to Mr D Kemp.

Leading Prices
Prime Lambs p/kg
Texel – 405.0, 388.0, 363.0 Rottington Hall; 402.0, 350.0 Balgray Hill; 384.0 Mill Farm; 382.0, 358.0, 338.0, 332.0, 331.0 (2) Clifton Moor Farm; 381.0 Grassknop Farm; 377.0, 344.0 (2) Wreay Hall Farm; 376.0 High House; 374.0 (2) Home Farm (Metcalfe); 349.0 (2) Mill Farm; 349.0 Primrose Cottage; 346.0, 333.0 Colstons; 345.0 Ratten Castle; 337.0 Bank House
Continental – 393.0 Holmwrangle; 388.0, 331.0 Rottington Hall; 351.0 Plumpton Foot
Suffolk – 388.0 Plumpton Foot; 377.0, 362.0 (2) Rottington Hall; 367.0 Wreay Hall Farm; 351.0, 332.0 Mill Farm; 337.0 Holmwrangle
Beltex – 375.0 Mill Farm
Charollais – 343.0, 333.0 Thackwood; 332.0 Clifton Moor Farm

Prime Lambs £/head
Texel - £176, £168 (2), £161, £160, £148, £140 Home Farm (Metcalfe); £174, £167, £156 Rottington Hall; £169, £154 Balgray Hall; £169 High House; £168, £162, £154, £146 Clifton Moor Farm; £165, £150 Mill Farm; £164, £150, £145 Primrose Cottage; £164, £148, £140 Grassknop Farm; £162, £155 (2) Wreay Hall Farm; £159, £143 Colstons; £146 Parkside Road; £145 Bank House
Charollais - £170 Clifton Moor Farm; £160 Currah Close; £150, £146, £145, £144 Thackwood
Continental - £169 Holmwrangle; £167, £164 Rottington Hall; £158 Colstons; £151 Low Abbey; £151 Plumpton Foot; £149, £143 Grassknop Farm; £140 Home Farm (Metcalfe)
Suffolk - £167, £140 Plumpton Foot; £166, £152 (2), £141 Rottington Hall; £158, £156, £149, £146, £145, £143 Low Abbey; £158 Wreay Hall Farm; £156 Currah Close; £150, £148 Kettleside Farm; £145 Holmwrangle; £144 Mill Farm
Beltex - £150 Mill Farm

Prime Hoggs p/kg
Texel – 310.0, 293.0, 290.0 Brownrigg Hall Farm; 305.0, 300.0 Grange Hall; 298.0, 281.0 Highrigg; 291.0 (2) Black Leases; 288.0 Drumreach Farm; 286.0, 280.0 High House Farm (Nevinson); 285.0 Randalholme; 285.0 Greenacres; 284.0, 280.0 Tarn Foot
Beltex – 304.0, 302.0 Ainstable Hall
Continental – 300.0, 295.0 Town Head (Potter); 293.0 Dry Howe; 286.0 Low House (Dickinson); 285.0 Crindledyke; 281.0 Backmuir Farm
Cheviot – 293.0 Black Leases; 284.0 Brownrigg Hall Farm; 278.0 Drumreach Farm; 278.0 Murrah Hall
Scotch Blackfaced – 260.0 Highrigg
Herdwick – 243.0 Anns Cottage

Prime Hoggs £/head
Texel - £173 Manor Farm (Pearson); £169, £164, £157 (4), £142 High House Farm (Nevinson); £163, £161, £156 Highrigg; £160 Brooklyn; £159 Park House (Henderson); £157 (2) Ainstable Hall; £157 Randalholme; £155, £148 Greenacres; £151, £147 Riverview; £149 (2), £143 Sewell House; £148, £147 Drumreach Farm; £145 Brownrigg Hall Farm; £140 Sceugh Dyke
Beltex - £164, £152, £151 Ainstable Hall
Continental - £152 Dry Howe; £151 (2) Sceugh Dyke; £150 Fog Close; £143 (2) Low House (Dickinson); £142 Tarn Foot; £140 Riverview
Cheviot - £151 Riverview; £147 Drumreach Farm; £144 Sceugh Dyke
Suffolk - £151 Greenacres; £140 Crindledyke; £140 Brooklyn; £140 Riverview; £140 Sceugh Dyke
Cheviot Mule - £146 Greenacres
Scotch Blackfaced - £125 Highrigg
Herdwick - £119 Anns Cottage

Cast Ewes £/head
Texel (av £167.02) - £300, £280, £268, £230, £215, £199, £180 Holme House; £298, £230 Raggetsyke; £284, £268 Park View (Pyman); £258, £245, £205, £178 Gate Farm; £255 Greenacres; £239, £238, £180 Gaitsgill Hall; £230 Thethwaite Farm; £225 Riverview; £215, £170 Sewell House; £208, £170 Harleycroft; £200, £190, £180 Clifton Moor Farm; £200 Home Farm (Metcalfe); £198 Tarn Foot; £185 Backmuir Farm; £180 Grange Hall; £180 Galloper Park; £170 Hay Close
Continental (av £143.93) - £250, £235, £182 Gate Farm; £245, £215 (2), £200 Tarn Foot; £200, £190, £170 Thethwaite Farm; £172 Jardines Farm; £170 Holme House; £170 Low Blaithwaite
Charollais (av £178.05) - £230 Gate Farm; £192 (2), £180 Holme House; £170 Thethwaite Farm
Beltex (av £145.76) - £230 Stonegarth; £180 Park View (Pyman)
Suffolk (av £157.68) - £212 Thethwaite Farm; £184 Dunfell House; £178 Greenacres; £178 Walmgate; £178 Harleycroft; £177, £176, £174 Holme House; £172 Low Blaithwaite; £172 Backmuir Farm; £170 Kettleside Farm
Bluefaced Leicester (av £152.50) - £166 Raggetsyke; £160 Greenacres
Mule (av £131.23) - £151, £135 Kettleside Farm; £151 Park House (Henderson); £146 Clifton Moor; £144 Tarn Foot; £142, £130 Greenacres; £140 Backmuir Farm; £137 Brooklyn; £133 Clea Mire; £133 Hay Close; £133 Dunfell House; £130 (2) Crindledyke; £130 Harleycroft; £130 Lodge Farm (Mallinson); £130 Clappers Farm
Cheviot (av £120.50) - £149 Greenacres; £139, £137, £129, £128 Riverview; £137, £128, £120 Backmuir Farm; £136, £124 Drumreach Farm; £132 Murrah Hall; £128, £120 Skelling Farm; £128 Walmgate; £128 Dry Howe; £120 Hay Close
Zwartble - £140 Backmuir Farm
Scotch Blackfaced (av £103.29) - £123 Holme House; £114 Greenacres; £108 Tarn Foot
Easy-care – £118, £112 Hesket House
Swaledale (av £90.22) - £117 Woodhall; £112 Crindledyke; £108 Walmgate; £104 Whitestones; £100 Crindledyke

Cast Rams £/head
Texel - £226 Woodhouse; £220, £205 Glenzier Foot Farm; £215 Holme House
Bluefaced Leicester - £218, £170 Woodhall
Zwartble - £208 Holme House
Suffolk - £188 Backmuir Farm
Beltex - £175 Glenzier Foot Farm
Charollais - £175 Nunfield Farm
Dorset - £172 Holme House
Swaledale - £118 Howe Farm

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