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Prime Cattle - 14.03.22

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of Prime Cattle.

A few more prime cattle were forward, to a very busy ringside of customers. Mr D Raine, Old Parks achieving a top of £1948.18 for a Limousin Bull 17-month-old weighing 745kg’s being purchased by R Pearson, Wholesale Butchers.

The same home sold a clean heifer weighing 714kg’s to 245.5ppk realising £1752.87 purchased by Cocklakes Farm Shop, Penruddock.

A consignment of 4 dairy bred cattle from M/s M Ridsdale & Son, Yew Tree Farm averaged £126.71 / 221ppk weighing 571kg, with the consignment selling dairy bred Angus heifers to 223.5ppk totalling £1294.07.

Leading Prices
Prime Bulls p/kg
Limousin – 263.5, 261.5 Old Parks; 233.5, 219.5 Murton Hall

Prime Bulls £/head
Limousin - £1948.18, £1902.47 Old Parks; £1636.84, £1257.74 Murton Hall

Prime Heifers p/kg
Limousin – 245.5 Old Park
Aberdeen Angus – 223.5, 209.5 Yew Tree Farm

Prime Heifers £/head
Limousin - £1752.87 Old Parks
Aberdeen Angus - £1294.07, £1181.58 Yew Tree Farm

Prime Bullocks p/kg
Charolais – 229.5, 221.5 Yew Tree Farm

Prime Bullocks £/head
Charolais - £1311.28, £1259.96 Yew Tree Farm

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