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Rearing Calves & Stirks 171221

On Friday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their final Rearing Calves and Stirk sale of 2021.

A small selection was forward to a busy ringside of buyers ensuring all classes were exceptionally good to sell.

The sale topped at £810 for an eleven-month-old, dairy-bred, British Blue bullock from JM & J Fisher, Holmewrangle, with this consignment averaging £774.

Limousin heifers, seven-months-old, topped at £750 from Mr MH Brennand, Park House Farm, purchased by Mr JJ Hall.

Young calves topped at £430 for a nine-week-old Limousin bull from Thackwood Farms, with this consignment averaging £396.25.

Our next sale is on Friday 7th January at 10am. Please contact Andrew Maughan on 07717611952 for any further information.

Leading Prices

Bullock Weaned Stirks
British Blue - £810, £800, £770, £760, £730 Holmewrangle

Heifer Weaned Calves & Stirks
Limousin - £750, £685, £680, £660 Park House Farm (Brennand)

Heifer Calves
British Blue - £405 Thackwood Farm

Bull Calves
Limousin - £430, £340 Thackwood Farm
British Blue – £ 410 Thackwood Farm

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