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Michaelmas Store Cattle 270921

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their Annual Michaelmas Prize Show & Sale of 625 Store Cattle & Feeding Bulls, kindly sponsored by PFK Land Agency.

An excellent entry of store cattle was offered to a full ringside of both regular, and new buyers. The pre-sale show was in the capable hands of E Walton, Low Hail, Darlington, who awarded Champion honours to a fabulous twelve-month-old British Blue X bullock from Mr TH Harrison, Sleddale Hall, this beast later achieved £1700, selling to Mr W Timm.

One of the dearest trades of the season was witnessed and commented on by numerous buyers and vendors, especially for suckler bred cattle.

Messrs BS & J Strong & Son, Hewer Hill, had a fantastic run forward, a credit to them, with 16-17-month-old cattle averaging £1407.73.

Suckler bred British Blue X bullocks from Mr WH Brass, Low Row, topped at £1655, selling to Bolster Moor Farm Shop.

Dairy-bred Limousin bullocks topped at £1465 from Messrs JG & RW Nevinson & Son, High House Farm, selling to Mr R Dickinson.

A wonderful run of 15-18-month-old Limousin X Saler bullocks and heifers from Messrs Braithwaite, Scales averaged £1326.43.

Heifers achieved the trade of the day, with Messrs RJ & M Ridley, Ranbeck averaging £1372, topping at £1665 for a twenty-nine-month-old Limousin X British Blue, purchased by Mr R Dickinson, with others realising £1565.
Mr TH Harrison, Sleddale Hall achieved £1625 with a Limousin heifer, purchased by Bolster Moor Farm Shop. This run averaged £1486.67.

Dairy-bred Limousin heifers topped at £1445, once again from Messrs JG & RW Nevinson & Son, High House Farm, selling to Mr D Whaite. This run of both bullocks and heifers averaged £1310.
Aberdeen Angus heifers out of dairy cows topped at £1305 from Messrs JH & ME Chappelow, Friendship Farm, bought by Mr J Little.

Leading Prices
Store Bullocks
British Blue - £1700 Sleddale Hall; £1655, £1265 (3) Low Row; £1535, £1465, £1445, £1345, £1335 (2) Hewer Hill; £1295 Goodlie Hill Farm; £1235, £1195, £1115 Glaslyn House; £1225, £1175, £1145, £1135 Friendship Farm; £1205 High Harberwain; £1195 Moorside Farm; £1175 (2) Clear View Farm Lodge; £1175, £1115 Gooselands View Barn; £1155 (2) Friendship Farm; £1105 Inglewood Edge
Limousin - £1615, £1435, £1395, £1355, £1285, £1275, £1245, £1145 (2) Scales Farm (Braithwaite); £1575 Ploveriggs; £1515 Shap Abbey; £1465, £1165 High House Farm (Nevinson); £1455, £1375 (3) Hewer Hill; £1425 (2), £1315 (3) Friendship Farm; £1425, £1395, £1365, £1185, £1175, £1165 Goodlie Hill Farm; £1385, £1225 High Harberwain; £1365, £1315 (2), £1125 Ranbeck; £1365, £1245, £1175 (2), £1145 (2) Hallgarth; £1355 (2), £1325, £1205 (2), £1185, £1125 (3) Low Row; £1335, £1165 Clear View Farm Lodge; £1325, £1125 Crosby Lodge; £1245 Bustabeck; £1225 (2), £1195 (4) Macy Bank; £1175 Gooselands View Barn; £1165 Clickham Farm; £1155, £1115 Nook Farm; £1145, £1105 High Howe; £1115 (2) Park Head (Hird)
Charolais - £1375 Town Head (Mounsey); £1355, £1255 (2) Crosby Lodge; £1275 (4) Glaslyn House; £1215 Low Row; £1125 Shap Abbey
Simmental - £1365, £1355, £1165 (2) Moorside Farm
Aberdeen Angus - £1335, £1185, £1155 Friendship Farm; £1275, £1235 (4) Low Row; £1205 (4) Glaslyn House; £1155 (5) Cannerheugh Farm; £1155 Clickham Farm
Beef Shorthorn - £1135 Moor End
Hereford - £1115 Town Head (Mounsey)
Continental - £1115 Low Row
Black & White - £1065 Townfoot; £1065 Town Head (Mounsey); £1025 Street House (Strong); £1015 (2) Stepends

Store Heifers
Limousin - £1665, £1565, £1425, £1365, £1345, £1235 Ranbeck; £1625 Sleddale Hall; £1545, £1325 Low Row; £1475 (2), £1365, £1295 Scales Farm (Braithwaite); £1445, £1165 High House Farm (Nevinson); £1445 Hewer Hill Farm; £1355, £1345, £1295 (3) Friendship Farm; £1325, £1275, £1255, £1195 High Howe; £1325, £1235, £1195 High Harberwain; £1315, £1305, £1305, £1255 Townfoot; £1315 Thorneycroft; £1295, £1285 (3), £1275 (2), £1265, £1245, £1235 (2), £1225, £1195 (3), £1185 (2), £1175, £1145 (2), £1105 Shap Abbey; £1295, £1185 Bustabeck; £1285 (2) Park Head (Hird); £1285 Clickham Farm; £1255, £1245, £1235, £1135 Lea Croft; £1225, £1205, £1185 (3), £1145, £1125 West View (Davidson); £1205 Thorneycroft; £1155 Nook Farm; £1155 Townend (Wilson); £1105 Ploveriggs
Charolais - £1375 Gooselands View Barn; £1355, £1325, £1295, £1295, £1285 (2), £1275 (2), £1245, £1235, £1115 Shap Abbey; £1225, £1125 (2), £1115 West View (Davidson); £1165 Scar Side Farm
British Blue - £1345, £1245, £1235, £1185, £1145 Gooselands View Barn; £1295 (2), £1235, £1195 Lea Croft; £1255 (4), £1215 (4) Friendship Farm; £1245 (3), £1135 (2) Bongate Moor; £1175, £1135 Shap Abbey; £1125 Inglewood Edge
Aberdeen Angus - £1305, £1135 Friendship Farm; £1265 Street House (Strong); £1145 Gooselands View Barn; £1055 (3) Cannerheugh Farm; £1055 West View (Davidson)
Simmental - £1285 Thorneycroft
Blonde D’Aquitaine - £1135 Sleddale Hall; £1115 Shap Abbey
Hereford - £1025 West View (Davidson)

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