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Mule Gimmer Shearlings 070921

On Tuesday 7th September Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their Great Annual Show & Sale of 5,501 Mule Gimmer Shearlings, Mule 2 Shears, Continental & Suffolk Shearlings and Mule & Continental Ewes, kindly sponsored by Peter Horn Mobile Sheep Dipping.
The early morning judging saw a quality gathering of show pens presented to this year’s judges Mr R Sizmur, Okehampton (Mule 2 Shears), Mr A Moran, Skipton (Mule Shearlings) & C & E Dent, Barnard Castle (Continental Shearlings).

The sale opened with one of the finest shows of 2 & 3 Shear Mule ewes in the country with an average of £189 per head being achieved for the 2 Shear section, up £24 per head on the year. This section topped at £235 for the champion pen of fifteen from Messrs W & R Lawson, Stubbsgill, purchased by regular customers Messrs A & ED Booth, Settle, this run averaged a staggering £214.78 for all 161 sold.

Next up with a superb run was Mr BW Hewitson, Shatton Lodge Farm, who sold 268 to average £201.64, topping at £232 per head.

A year older but still shining with a class run of 65 Mule 3 Shears from Messrs J Dickinson, High House, averaging £178.46, topping at £185 per head.

Mule Shearlings averaged £168, up £16 per head on the year. Quality sold exceptionally well with ER & SA Holliday, Clea Mire, topping at £232 and averaging a staggering £216.38, up £66 per head on the year.

This was closely followed at £230 from Messrs TR & PE Little, Low Moor Dyke, with their annual consignment of 61 well turned out Shearlings selling to regular mart supporter Messrs JJ Henderson & Son, Park House, with this run averaging £210.

Champion honours for the Shearlings went to Messrs JJ & E Lawson & Sons, Hundith House, achieving £225, purchased by Mr WH Brass, Low Row.

Continental Shearlings achieved a very mixed trade with sweet breedy Shearlings still achieving premium prices, topping at £275 for a pair of Beltex cross from Mr D Barker, Derwentdale Farm, with this run averaging £243.13 per head.

The following prizes were awarded: -

Show Results;

Class 1 - Mule '2' Shears
1st and receiving The John Dickinson, High House Memorial Trophy
Messrs W & R Lawson, Stubbsgill
2nd Mr BW Hewitson, Shatton Lodge Farm
3rd Mr BW Hewitson, Shatton Lodge Farm

Class 2 - Mule Shearlings
1st and receiving The John Mounsey Memorial Trophy
Messrs JJ & E Lawson, Hundith House
2nd Mr PJ Elliott, Bank House
3rd Messrs JJ & E Lawson, Hundith House

Class 3 - Continental Shearlings
1st GMS Carruthers, Towcett Farm
2nd Mr D Barker, Derwentdale Farm
3rd Messrs Iredale, Greenbank Farm

Sale Averages:
Mule Shearlings - £168
Mule 2 Shears - £189
Mule 3 Shears - £170
Continental Shearlings - £162

Mule Flock Averages (50 plus sheep)
Mule 2 Shears
£214.73 (200) W&R Lawson, Stubsgill; £201.64 (300) BW Hewitson, Shatton Lodge Farm; £182.28 (50) M/s Brough, Langfauld; £178.00 (70) JM Mawson, Holebeck; £177.62 (90) MT Watson, Four-O-Boot; £176.63 (170) TE Irving & Son, East Cliff
£216.38 (75) ER & SA Holliday, Clea Mire; £210.00 (80) TR & PE Little, Low Moor Dyke; £187.56 (100) JJ & E Lawson, Hundith House; £176.46 (120) BR Davidson, West View; £173.66 (70) J Ackerley, Milton Mains; £173.11 (100) J & N Blaylock, Hallburn

Leading Prices
Texel - £980 Donated to Great North Air Ambulance Service by Messrs Hodgson, Woodfoot; £210 Lowther Street; £210, £180 Bonnyrigg; £185 Burrells Lodge; £185, £182, £165 (2) North Netherscales; £178 Hardendale; £175, £160 Greenbank Farm; £165, £162 Town Head (Potter); £165 Hundith House
Mule - £550 Donated to UK Sepsis Trust by MH Brennand, Park House Farm; £232, £220, £215, £200 Clea Mire; £230, £225, £185 Low Moor Dyke; £225, £200, £195, £180, £178 Hundith House; £210 Bank House (Elliott); £200 (2), £180, £170, £165, £162 West View (Davidson); £188, £180, £170, £164 Milton Mains; £185, £170, £166, £160 (2) Park House Farm (Brennand); £184, £172, £171, £166 Hallburn; £178, £170, £160 (3) Oakfield Farm; £175 The Harras; £174 (2), £162 Brigg Farm House; £170 Countess Farm; £166 Guides Farm; £162 Castle Bank; £160 Low Howgill
Beltex - £275, £250 (2), £240 (2), £195 Derwentdale Farm; £180, £150 The Faulds
Suffolk - £200, £195 Honeypot; £182 Nixon Terrace; £180, £175 Nether Houses Farm; £160, £158, £155 Romanvale; £155 Town Head (Potter)
Cheviot-Mule - £150 Brigg Farm House

2 Shears
Mule - £235, £220 (2), £218 (2), £212, £205, £202 Stubbsgill Farm; £232, £220, £218, £216, £215, £214, £212, £200 (2), £190, £185 (2), £175, £170 Shatton Lodge Farm; £192, £175, £170 Four-O-Boot; £192, £180, £175 Langfauld; £185 (2), £180 (2), £174, £170 (2) East Cliff; £178 (2) Holebeck; £172 Pewter Close; £172 Kiln Croft
Texel - £220, £200, £180 Four-O-Boot Farm; £180, £170 Lingstubbs; £172 (2), £170, £168, £150 Westhills; £165 Fourseasons; £162, £160 Longrigg; £160 (2) Sleddale Hall; £158 Kiln Croft; £150 Greenbank Farm
Suffolk - £178 Nether Houses Farm; £175, £172 Redgate
Continental - £165 Ghyll Croft; £150, £140 (2) Westhills; £148 Sleddale Hall
Cheviot-Mule - £152 Redgate
Beltex - £148 Westhills

3 Shears
Mule - £185, £180, £175 High House (Dickinson); £168, £164 Clappers Farm; £162, £156 Foulsyke Farm
Continental - £142 Scales Farm (Braithwaite)

PIC 1 - Mule 2 Shear Champion - W & R Lawson, Stubbsgill.jpg
PIC 2 - Mule Shearling Champion - JJ & E Lawson, Hundith House.jpg

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