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OTM Cattle 160821

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 48 OTM Cattle.

Another fast trade was witnessed in the cast cow ring with Messrs HG Jackson, Littlebeck, selling a nine-year-old British Blue cross Limousin cow to £1413.67/189.5ppk, purchased by Mr Owain Llyr.

Blonde d’Aquitaine cows topped at £1215.83 (188.5ppk) from Mr TH Harrison, Sleddale Hall, also purchased by Mr Owain Llyr.

Messrs JG & LM Kindleysides, Wickerslack, sold a young Holstein cows to a top of 164.5ppk purchased by Mr A Jarvis. Skirwith Abbey sold a nine-year-old Holstein cow, straight out the parlour, to £1141.88 (130.5ppk), purchased by Mr S McGimpsey.

Hereford stock bulls from Dolphenby Farming Partners topped at £1263.63/137.5ppk, purchased by Jewitt Meat Company.

All classes are required for our sale in a fortnight, Monday 30th August 2021. Please advise entries to the mart office or Andrew Maughan on 07717611952.

Leading Prices

Cast Cows p/kg
British Blue – 189.5, 167.5 Littlebeck; 148.5 Town Head (Mounsey); 148.5 Fell End
Blonde d’Aquitaine – 188.5, 165.5 Sleddale Hall
Limousin – 184.5, 145.5 Friarbiggin; 177.5 Keisley; 158.5 High Lodore Farm; 157.5 Old Parks
Black & White – 164.5 Wickerslack; 158.0, 130.5 Skirwith Abbey; 158.5 The Ling (Donald); 136.5, 135.5, 132.5 Bramery; 136.5 Yanwath Woodhouse; 135.5 Lamonby Hall; 133.5 Low Brow
Aberdeen Angus – 162.5 Lowther Park Farms
Stabiliser – 146.5 Far Close
Charolais – 145.5 Sleddale Hall
Simmental – 144.5 Corby Hill
Beef Shorthorn – 133.5 Far Bank End

Cast Cows £/head
British Blue - £1413.67, £1202.65 Littlebeck; £1329.08 Town Head (Mounsey); £1155.33 Fell End
Blonde d’Aquitaine - £1215.83, £1017.83 Sleddale Hall
Limousin - £1205.23 Keisley; £1190.70 Old Parks
Simmental - £1153.11 Corby Hill
Black & White - £1141.88, £992.21, £981.74 Skirwith Abbey; £1052.42, £965.04 Yanwath Woodhouse; £1010.10 Bramery; £922.49 Low Brow
Aberdeen Angus - £1114.75 Lowther Park Farms
Charolais - £1060.70 Sleddale Hall
Beef Shorthorn - £973.22 Far Bank End

Cast Bulls p/kg
Hereford – 137.5, 134.5 Dolphenby Farm

Cast Bulls £/head
Hereford - £1263.63, £1124.42 Dolphenby Farm

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