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New Fair Beef Breeding Cattle 240521

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their Annual “New Fair” sale of Beef Breeding Cattle.

A lovely run of genuine outfits was forward to a very busy ringside of buyers all eager to purchase, with many going home empty handed.

The sale topped at £3000 twice, both lots were Limousin heifers with Limousin heifer calves at foot from Messrs RG Todd, Crosby Hall, bought by Messrs N & ME Harrison, Tailbert and Mr TH Harrison, Sleddale Hall, respectively.

The annual consignment of milky Limousin heifers out of British Friesian cows from Messrs JD & F Wharton, Town Head Farm averaged £2440, topping at £2750 for an outfit with a heifer calf at foot, purchased by regular customers, Messrs Elliott Bros, Harbour Flatt. This run was up £400 per outfit on the year.

In-calf heifers peaked at £1650 for a British Blue cross Friesian, due September to the Limousin from Mrs D Bezuidenhout, Marton Gill, selling to Messrs Hodgson, Woodfoot.

Leading Prices

Heifers with Heifer Calves at Foot
Limousin - £3000 (2), £2300, £2250 (2), £2200 Crosby Hall; £2750, £2650, £2600, £2100 Town Head Farm (Wharton); £2350, £2200 Lambrigg Head; £2300 Low Row
British Blue - £2750, £2150 Crosby Hall; £2250 Lonscale

Heifers with Bull Calves at Foot
Limousin - £2800, £2650, £2500, £2400 Crosby Hall; £2700; £2550, £2500, £2400 (3) Town Head Farm (Wharton)
British Blue - £2300 Redgill; £2000 Low Row; £2000 Crosby Hall

Cows with Heifer Calves at Foot
Limousin - £2650, £2450 Crosby Hall; £1650, £1600, £1550 Hegdale

Cows with Bull Calves at Foot
Limousin - £2250, £1620 Hegdale; £1800 Crosby Hall
Beef Shorthorn - £1700, £1500 Hegdale
Holstein - £1500 High Barn
Highland - £900 (2) Yanwath Woodhouse

In-calf Heifers
British Blue - £1650 Marton Gill

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