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OTM Cattle 100521

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 37 OTM Cattle.

All classes of cast cows held up on previous sales high returns. The sale topped at £1500.25 for a seven-year-old Blonde D’Aquitaine X Limousin cow, weighing 850kg, from Messrs A & N Bennett, Hollins Farm, selling to Mr D Barker.

Black and Whites closely followed at £1312.62 for a 779kg cow from Messrs Fisher, Yanwath Woodhouse, selling to Mr A Jarvis.

The sale peaked at 209.5p/kg for a seven-year-old Limousin X British Blue cow, weighing 581kg from Messrs Metcalfe, Home Farm, selling to Mr Owain Llyr.

Messrs TJ & JM Powley, Blands Farm sold a run of cows, straight out of the parlour to average a staggering £1152.67 (141p/kg), topping at 146.5p/kg (£1227.88).

The demand in the live ring seems to be extremely strong and more are required to fulfil demand from our busy ringside of buyers.

All classes are required for our sale in a fortnight, Monday 24th May 2021. Please advise entries to the mart office or Andrew Maughan on 07717611952.

Leading Prices

Cast Cows p/kg
Limousin - 209.5, 168.5 Home Farm (Metcalfe); 185.5 Hole House (Coulston); 168.5 (2) Highbeckside
Blonde D’Aquitaine - 176.5 Hollins Farm
British Blue - 170.5, 144.5 Manor Farm (Pearson); 144.5 Friarbiggin
Black & White - 168.5, 133.5, 132.5 Yanwath Woodhouse; 146.5, 139.5, 137.5 Blands Farm;126.5 Dolphenby Farm
Simmental - 147.5, 145.5 Manor Farm (Pearson); 136.5 Gateghyll
Charolais - 145.5, 142.5 Scar Side Farm
Aberdeen Angus - 142.5 Town End Farm (Crocker); 133.5 High Lodore Farm

Cast Cows £/head
Blonde D’Aquitaine - £1500.25 Hollins Farm
Black & White - £1312.62, £1037.30, £957.98 Yanwath Woodhouse; £1215.95, £1227.88, £1014.17 Blands Farm; £1049.91 Skirwith Abbey
British Blue - £1246.36, £1202.24 Manor Farm (Pearson)
Limousin - £1217.20, £1216.57 Home Farm (Metcalfe); £1211.35 High Lodore Farm; £1186.24 Highbeckside; £1169.68 Sleddale Hall; £1157.52 Hole House (Coulston)
Simmental - £1106.25 Manor Farm (Pearson)
Aberdeen Angus - £1094.70 High Lodore Farm; £100178 Town End Farm (Crocker)
Charolais - £1030.28, £960.30 Scar Side Farm

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