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Penrith Prime Cattle 180121

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of Prime Cattle.

The sale topped at 249.5ppk/£1497 for a superb Limousin X Heifer from Messrs G & J E Bell, Far Broom selling to Cocklakes Farm Shop, Penruddock.

A run of four well finished bulls from Mr D Raine, Old Parks averaged £1482.02 selling to £1527/215.5ppk for a Limousin X, weighing 709kg selling to Pearson Wholesale Butchers.

Our next sale will be held on Monday 1st February.

Leading Prices

Prime Bulls p/kg
Limousin – 215.5, 205.5 Old Parks

Prime Bulls £/head
Limousin – £1530.98, £1257.90, £1499.60 Old Parks; £1200.00 Hollins Farm

Prime Bullocks p/kg
Limousin – 196.5 Old Park

Prime Bullocks £/head
Limousin – £1396.61 Old Parks

Prime Heifers p/kg
Limousin – 249.5 Far Broom (Bell)

Prime Heifers £/head
Limousin – £1497.00 Far Broom (Bell)

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