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OTM Cattle 040121

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their opening 2021 sale of 20 OTM Cattle. The small show forward was a reflection of the weather, with numbers way short of buyers’ requirements.

The sale topped at £1,381.66 (173.5p/kg) for a six-year-old Limousin cow from Backmuir Livestock, Aberdeenshire, selling to Jewitt Meat Company. Ten-year-old British Blue cross cows from the same home achieved 193.5p/kg, also purchased by Jewitt Meat Company.

Dairy bred cows achieved a fast trade, with Messrs Todhunter, Beeches Farm achieving 124.5p/kg (£974.84) for an eight-year-old cow, bought by Mr P Bowes.

Demand seemed to be very strong, with a full complement of buyers around the ringside, this ensured that all classes were competitively bid for.

Our next sale is the January Bonanza Cast Cow sale, and will be held on Monday 18th January.

Leading Prices
Cast Cows p/kg
Limousin - 193.5, 174.5, 173.5, 165.5 & 153.5 Backmuir Farm
British Blue - 193.5, 153.5 & 142.5 Backmuir Farm
Black & White - 124.5 & 114.5 Beeches Farm; 115.5 Town Head Farm (Wharton)

Cast Cows £/head
Limousin - £1381.06, £1369.98, £1275.60, £1148.18 & £1108.85 Backmuir Farm
British Blue - £1296.45, £1244.89 & £1077.30 Backmuir Farm
Black & White - £974.84 Beeches Farm; £825.83 Town Head Farm (Wharton)

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