Store Lambs - 11.10.23

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 1000 Store Lambs. Trade continues to be buoyant as at previous sales. £120 was achieved for 3 cracking Beltex x lambs

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Prime Sheep - 11.10.23

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their weekly sale of 6,045 prime sheep, comprising of 2,348 prime lambs & 3,697 cast ewes & rams.Another bumper entry of Cast Ewes and Rams were

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Late Autumn Fair of Breeding Sheep 2023

On Tuesday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their Late Autumn Fair of 798 breeding sheep, including the second sale of North of England Mule gimmer lambs, breeding ewes, shearlings & gimmer

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Prime Cattle 091023

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of Prime Cattle.Another good show of prime bulls was forward, topping at 295.5ppk/£2074.41 for a British Blue from Messrs P &

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OTM Cattle 091023

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 77 OTM Cattle.Cast cows came forward in greater numbers with meat proving very good to sell. The sale topped at

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Store Cattle 091023

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly Sale of 366 Store Cattle & Feeding Bulls.Another great entry of store cattle was forward with trade showing very little signs of

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Draft Ewe Sale 2023

On Thursday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their annual show & sale of 6,020 uncrossed & crossed Swaledale, Herdwick & Cheviot ewes, shearlings and gimmer lambs, kindly sponsored by PFK

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Prime Sheep 041023

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their weekly sale of 5,427 prime sheep, comprising of 2,164 prime lambs & 3,263 cast ewes & rams.Another good entry of prime lambs saw trade

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Bluefaced Leicesters 2023

On Sunday evening Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fourth Annual Sunday Show & Sale of Crossing Bluefaced Leicester’s, kindly sponsored by Peter Horn Mobile Sheep Dipping.The afternoon

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Rearing Calves & Stirks 290923

On Friday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 258 Rearing Calves and Stirks. A great show of calves and stirks were on offer, topping at £790 twice, firstly for a

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Prime Sheep 270923

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their weekly sale of 5,792 prime sheep, comprising of 2,469 prime lambs & 3,320 cast ewes & rams.Another large show of prime lambs was forward

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Store Lambs - 27.09.23

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers Mart LLP held their special Lake District show and sale of 2000 Store Lambs.The show was expertly judged by Mr Raymond, Ridley, who awarded the championship

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OTM Cattle 250923

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 88 OTM Cattle.A much larger offering of cast cows was forward to our complete ringside of buyers, with all sold averaging

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Prime Cattle 250923

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of Prime Cattle.A selection of well-fed young Simmental bulls topped at £1806.88/245.5ppk for 736kg from Messrs Pearson,

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Store Cattle 250923

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their Annual Michaelmas Prize Show & Sale of 592 Store Cattle & Feeding Bulls, kindly sponsored by PFK Rural. Our pre-sale show was expertly judged

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Prime Sheep 200923

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their weekly sale of 5,374 prime sheep, comprising of 2,290 prime lambs & 3,084 cast ewes & rams.An increased number of lambs were forward on the

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Mule Gimmer Lambs 2023

On Tuesday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their Annual Sale of 10,000 North of England Mule Gimmer Lambs and Cheviot Mule Gimmers, generously sponsored by Marsh Commercial, Eden Farm

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Rearing Calves & Stirks 150923

On Friday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 148 Rearing Calves and Stirks. The sale topped at £730 for a lovely 10-month-old Aberdeen Angus X bullock from Mr AP

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Prime Sheep 130923

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their weekly sale of 4,497 prime sheep, comprising of 1,891 prime lambs & 2,606 cast ewes & rams.Prime lamb trade was much sharper across the

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Store Lambs - 13.09.23

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 900 Store Lambs.Once again, the trade continues, with trade taking another lift with a whole sale average of £82. 288

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Store Cattle 110923

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly Sale of 374 Store Cattle & Feeding Bulls.Another great show of store cattle was forward, with trade still continuing to exceed

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Prime Cattle 110923

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of Prime Cattle.Montbeliarde bulls topped at 217.5ppk/£1616.03 from Messrs JP & GJ Simpson, Knock Cross, purchased by Mr R

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OTM Cattle 110923

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 51 OTM Cattle.A much improves cast cow trade was witnessed, with all buyers very keen to purchase making all classes

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Prime Sheep 060923

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their weekly sale of 4,939 prime sheep, comprising of 1,926 prime lambs & 3,013 cast ewes & rams.A larger show of prime lambs was forward with

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