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Rearing Calves & Stirks

On Friday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 250 Rearing Calves and Stirks.

The sale topped at £950 for a cracking pair of 12-month-old bull stirks from Messrs Johnston, Whitefold, closely followed at £930 for a Simmental bullock from Messrs Monkhouse, Calebreak Hall.

Mr BR Davidson, West View, topped the heifer section at £910 for an 11-month-old Limousin X, with this run of 7 heifers averaging £870. Messrs Johnston, Whitefold sold a great run of 26 Limousin & Aberdeen Angus bulls and heifers, 8–12-months-old to average £801.

Younger stirks, between 4–6-months-old, continue to be a joy to sell regularly achieving £500-£670 for both bulls and heifers.

Calves sold to a far sharper trade with all classes met by a fierce ringside of bidders. Messrs Turnbull, Monks Farm, sold a run of 4 British Blue bulls to average £466 for 6-weeks old.
Messrs Mallinson, Lodge Farm sold 3 great Limousin heifer calves to average £460. Dolphenby Farm sold their run of young Hereford calves to a top of £225 for a pair of
3-week-old bull calves.

Our next sale is on Friday 12th May at 10am, please contact Paul Gardner on 07552 589141 to advise entries.

Leading Prices
Bull Stirks
Limousin- £950, £910 (2), £895 (2), £815 (3) White Fold; £670 School Hill; £580 Skirwith Abbey
Aberdeen Angus – £950, £910, £815 White Fold; £500 Plumpton Foot; £500 School Hill; £485 (3) Clarks Farm
British Blue - £830 White Fold; £650; £570 (3), £560 Skirwith Abbey; £640 (2) Howes Farm; £580, £470 (3) Frizington Parks Farm; £470 School Hill
Hereford - £570 Howes Farm
Black & White - £325 (2) Clarks Farm

Bullocks Stirks
Simmental - £930, £830 Calebreck Hall
Limousin - £900 Calebreck Hall; £730, £630 (2) Morton Sceugh
Aberdeen Angus - £850 Calebreck Hall; £760 (2) Morton Sceugh; £560 Southernby Hall
British Blue - £620 (5) Cairnbridge Farm; £610 (2) High Barn

Bull Calves
British Blue - £600, £560 (2), £530 Grange Farm; £575, £480, £445 Beeches Farm; £500 The Harras; £490, £465, £460, £450 Monks House; £470 Clarks Farm
Aberdeen Angus - £530 Mount Clifton; £500, £470 Woodhouse; £345, £325 Catterlen Hall
Black & White - £340 Beeches; £260 (3), £240 (4) The Elephant; £250, £230 Clarks Farm; £235, £215 The Harras; £165 (2) Skirwith Abbey
Hereford - £225 (2) Dolphenby Farm

Bullock Calves
British Blue - £610, £520 (2), £440 Woodhouse
Aberdeen Angus - £530 Cardew Hall; £440 (2), £385 (2), £360 (2) Greengill Head; £385 Grange Farm
Limousin- £470 Lodge Farm
Hereford- £385 Woodhouse
Black & White - £260 (4) Sleetburn Farm

Heifer Stirks
Limousin - £910, £900, £895 (2), £870, £820, £795 West View; £855, £760, £640 (3) White Fold; £590 Morton Sceugh; £530 (4) Skirwith Abbey
British Blue - £890 White Fold; £730 (2) School Hill; £600 (2), £570 (2) Frizington Parks Farm; £545 (2) Skirwith Abbey; £530 (3) Cairnbridge Farm; £520 (2), £490 (2), £480 Howes Farm
Hereford - £650 Southernby Hall
Aberdeen Angus - £855, £760, £750 (3), £640 (2) White Fold; £550 Howes Farm.
Simmental - £540 School Hill

Heifer Calves
Limousin - £470, £460, £450 Lodge Farm; £370 Clarks Farm
British Blue - £395 Clarks Farm; £325 Yew Tree Farm; £300 Beeches Farm; £270 Cardew Hall
Aberdeen Angus – £350 (2), £330 (2) Greengill Head
Hereford - £315 Woodhouse

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