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Store Cattle 100423

On Monday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 323 Store Cattle of all classes.

A great entry of store cattle forward for the time of year, the sale topped at £1925 for a great Limousin heifer from Messrs A Tiffin & Sons, Wham Head Farm, purchased by Mr R Dickinson, with this consignment of fantastic heifers averaging £1858.

Bullocks topped at £1855 for a British Blue from Messrs A & S Robley, Nelson Hill Farm, with this home selling a consignment of 12 bullocks and heifers to average £1629.17.

Messrs HG Jackson, Littlebeck, sold a lovely run of four 16-month-old Limousin heifers to average £1625, with three going to breed.

Younger cattle sold to a sharper trade with yearlings very good to sell, Mr TH Harrison, Sleddale Hall, sold a run of 11 bullocks and heifers to average £1281, topping at £1355 for a British Blue bullock.

All classes of cattle continue to be in high demand and are required for our fortnightly sales. Our next sale will be held on Monday 24th April, entries close Noon Monday 17th April.

Leading Prices
Store Bullocks
British Blue - £1855, £1845 (2), £1755, £1555 (2) Nelson Hill Farm; £1835 Wham Head Farm; £1765 Demesne (Littleton); £1565 Nook Farm; £1355, £1265 (2) Sleddale Hall; £1345 Midtown Farm (Strong); £1245 Bonny Farm; £1245 The Wath (Wilson); £1235 Hawbank Farm; £1185 Dalvorich Cottage; £1175 Dacre Lodge
Simmental - £1835, £1435 Nelson Hill Farm; £1285 Bowness Farm
Limousin - £1765, £1745 Nook Farm; £1475, £1385, £1185 Colstons; £1295 (2), £1225 Sleddale Hall; £1245 (2), £1215, £1125 Ranbeck; £1235 (2) Dalvorich Cottage;
Fleckvieh – £1455, £1355 (2) Broom Mill Farm
Beef Shorthorn - £1455, £1295 Hawbank Farm
Aberdeen Angus - £1445, £1425 (3) Midtown Farm (Strong); £1395 (2), £1235 Mellgates; £1395 (2) Broom Mill Farm; £1325 (6)) Moor Farm (Tyson); £1245 Macey Bank
Hereford - £1365 (4), £1275 (3) Mellgates
Dairy Shorthorn - £1345 Broom Mill Farm
Charolais - £1315 Harbarrow Farm
Blonde d’Aquitaine - £1295 Dunfell View
Black & White - £1235 (3) Midtown Farm (Strong); £1105 Bowness Farm; £1075 Town Head (Mounsey)

Store Heifers
British Blue - £1925, £1815 Wham Head Farm; £1745 Nook Farm; £1575, £1425 Nelson Hill Farm; £1505, £1385 Newlands Mill; £1385 Hawbank Farm; £1385, £1345 (3), £1275 (3), £1115 Low Abbey; £1355, £1275 Midtown Farm (Strong); £1335, £1295 Macey Bank; £1275 (2) Pennine View; £1005 (7) Dalvorich Cottage
Limousin - £1685, £1675, £1455, £1385 Hollins Farm; £1685 Harbarrow Farm; £1675, £1505, £1475 (3), £1425, £1165 Newlands Mill; £1675, £1645, £1615 Demesne (Littleton); £1665, £1655, £1635, £1545 Littlebeck; £1665, £1585, £1415 Nook Farm; £1365, £1215 Hawbank Farm; £1335 (2), £1215, £, £1175 Sleddale Hall; £1275, £1165 Pennine View; £1265, £1235, £1185 Dacre Lodge; £1205 The Harras; £1115 Dalvorich Cottage
Simmental - £1575, £1295 Nelson Hill Farm; £1315, £1275 Bowness Farm
Charolais - £1505, £1375 (3) Newlands Mill; £1265, £1075, £1035 Scales Farm (Wilson); £1255 Dunfell View
Aberdeen Angus - £1475 Newlands Mill; £1395 Demesne (Littleton); £1365 (2) Broom Mill Farm; £1345 (5), £1325, £1275 (2) Midtown Farm (Strong); £1315 Dunfell View; £1185 (3), £1025 Low Abbey; £1085 (2) Moor Farm (Tyson)
Hereford - £1445 (3) Newlands Mill
Blonde d’Aquitaine - £1335 Sleddale Hall; £1235, £1165 Dunfell View
Beef Shorthorn - £1295 Hawbank Farm
Saler - £1045 Dalvorich Cottage; £1035 Scales Farm (Wilson)

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