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Prime Sheep 220323

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their weekly sale of 4,691 prime sheep, comprising of 2,326 prime hoggs & 2,365 cast ewes & rams.

Trade right across the board was sharper once again, and the best seen for prime sheep in some months. Prices were dearer than on the same week last year. Today’s SQQ sale average was 288p/kg (271p/kg overall).

Topping the sale today at 382p/kg (£149) was a pen of twelve 39kg Beltex hoggs from Messrs AJ & FM Harrison, Grange Hall. This home had a fantastic run of 42 Beltex hoggs, with all selling to average 373p/kg (£145.50).

Many of the best hoggs sold easily in excess of 350p/kg.

Top price per head on the day was £168, this was paid for a cracking single Beltex hogg from Messrs Lightfoot, Gillside. This run of forty-five excellent turned out hoggs sold to average 324p/kg (£148.50).

Heavy hoggs were far dearer, with the best heavies selling in excess of £145. Messrs PD Hird, Broomhill, sold a pen of 30 Suffolk crosses, weighing 54kg, realising £142.

Messrs R & JM Ridley, Ranbeck, sold a great pen of eight Cheviot hoggs, weighing 43kg, selling for £148.

Messrs RJS & DM Addison, Greystone House, sold 36 Blackfaced hoggs to average £122 for 48kg.

Messrs J Carrick & Sons, Irishope Plains, sold Blackfaced hoggs to 268p/kg for a pen of 44kg (£118).

Mules topped at £124 for 53kg from Mr D Raine, Old Parks. Messrs HM & R Ivinson & Sons, Hole House, sold a lovely pen of thirty 53kg Swaledale hoggs to achieve £122.

A marvelous show of ewes was forward, despite more horned and plain ewes forward with most of the sale holding in-line with last week’s trade.

All Texel ewes sold to average £181.20, topping at £298 for a pen of three from Holme House, purchased by Mr J Linsley. This home sold a ring full of ten cast rams to £185, purchased by Pickstock Foods.

Weight sold well with plenty of Suffolk X Mule ewes regularly achieving £150-£160, topping at £168, with all Suffolk ewes selling to average £134.21. English Mules topped at £126 for a pair from Messrs AH Ritson, Ireby Hall. First-time customer Mr P Baker, travelled up from Lincolnshire, to sell a ring full of Mule ewes to £123, and a pen of 18 Dorsets to £128.

Horned ewes sold exceptionally well but most lacked flesh, topping at £92 for a pen of 15 Swaledales from Messrs Lightfoot, Gillside, and The Wath, Newbiggin on Lune, selling a pen of 12 Rough Fells to £104.

Vendors once again travelled the extra mile to make the most of our weekly competitive trade.

All classes are required for next week’s sale, please advise entries to Andrew Maughan on 07717611952.

Leading Prices
Prime Hoggs p/kg
Beltex – 382.0, 376.0, 362.0 Grange Hall; 357.0, 351.0 Ranbeck; 353.0, 345.0 Bank House; 345.0, 321.0 Murrah Hall
Continental – 376.0, 368.0, 365.0, 363.0, 361.0, 349.0, 328.0, 321.0 Gillside; 361.0, 344.0, 340.0, 337.0, 324.0 (2), 320.0 (2) High Knipe; 359.0, 333.0, 331.0, 326.0 Scales Farm (Wilson); 351.0, 346.0, 344.0, 339.0, 337.0, 326.0, 320.0 Honeypot; 350.0, 342.0, 323.0, 321.0 Petteril Green; 349.0 Greenbank Farm; 340.0, 330.0, 320.0 Wham Head Farm; 333.0 Gaitsgill Hall; 328.0, 320.0 Reagill Grange; 328.0 Gollanfield; 324.0 Bells View
Texel – 365.0 Grange Hall; 340.0 Murrah Hall; 335.0, 314.0 Galleywreay Farm; 334.0, 313.0 (2) Ranbeck; 321.0 Park House (Henderson)
Cheviot – 344.0, 295.0 Ranbeck; 282.0, 277.0 (2), 270.0 Skelling Farm; 281.0 Greenbank Farm; 279.0, 277.0, 275.0, 271.0 Capplegill; 279.0, 276.0 Newton Field Farm; 274.0 Brownrigg Hall Farm; 274.0 Irishope Plains; 270.0 Drumreach Farm
Herdwick – 274.0 Gillside; 262.0, 254.0 Low Side (Teasdale); 254.0 Clea Hall
Charollais - 269.0 Lodge Farm; 263.0, 258.0 Broomhill
Scotch Blackfaced – 268.0, 267.0 Irishope Plains; 265.0 Wham Head Farm; 257.0 Greystone House
Suffolk – 264.0, 257.0, 251.0 Braithwaite Mill; 264.0 Inshes Farm; 257.0 Honeypot; 255.0 High Knipe; 252.0 Gillside; 252.0 Galleywreay Farm; 252.0 Longlands
Mule – 260.0 Gaitsgill Hall; 255.0 Thrang Cragg; 254.0, 252.0, 251.0 Hole House (Ivinson); 254.0 Oaklands; 252.0 Irishope Plains; 251.0 (2) Fog Close; 250.0 Low Side (Teasdale); 249.0, 247.0 Paddigill; 246.0 Fawcett Park

Prime Hoggs £/head
Continental - £168, £167, £162, £157, £154, £151 (3), £148 (2), £146 Gillside; £159, £155, £149, £147, £141, £140 Honeypot; £155, £154, £148, £145 High House Farm (Nevinson); £150 Greenbank Farm; £148, £146, £144 (2), £142 (2), £141, £140 High Knipe; £147 (2), £142 Petteril Green; £147, £140 Scales Farm (Wilson); £145 Wham Head Farm; £141 Inshes Farm; £141 Gollanfield; £141 Reagill Grange; £140 Skelling Farm
Beltex - £157, £145, £144 Ranbeck; £150 Skelling Farm; £149, £143, £141 Grange Hall; £145 Murrah Hall
Cheviot - £148, £130, £127 Ranbeck; £140, £123 Clea Hall; £133 High Knipe; £128, £127, £121 Skelling Farm; £126 Irishope Plains; £124 Hollins Farm; £124 Drumreach Farm; £121, £120 Capplegill
Texel - £147, £141 (2) Ranbeck; £146 Grange Hall; £143 Murrah Hall
Suffolk - £146 Gillside; £145 Broomhill; £143 Galleywreay Farm; £132 Honeypot; £130 (2) Scales Farm (Pollock); £130 High Knipe
Charollais - £142, £134 Broomhill
Mule - £124, £122 Old Parks; £124 Brewery House Barn; £123 Fawcett Park; £121 Irishope Plains; £121 Tarn House; £120 Glaslyn House; £119, £116 Howrigg; £118 Hollins Farm; £117, £116, £113 Hole House (Ivinson); £117 Oaklands; £116 Milburn Grange; £112 Thrang Cragg
Scotch Blackface - £124, £121 Greystone House; £118, £115, £110 Irishope Plains; £106 Wham Head Farm
Swaledale - £122 Hole House (Ivinson); £104 Tarn House
Cheviot Mule - £122 Ranbeck
Herdwick - £118 Gillside; £102 Low Side

Cast Ewes £/head
Texel (av £181.20) - £298, £288, £230, £224, £210, 190, £182, £176, £168 Holme House; £265, £250 (2), £244, £224, £164, £162, £158 (2) Tarn End; £240 (3), £205, £195, £190 Cracrop Farm; £230 Glebe Cottage; £225, £190, £180 Galloper Garth; £210, £160 Shethin Farm; £200 Eviestones Farm; £195 Grapes Barn; £195 Plumpton Foot; £185 Newton Field Farm; £180 Turnstone Drive; £172, £154 Sunnygill Farm; £170 Drayton Road
Continental (av £122.49) - £240 Brayton Road; £236, £225 (2), £170, £165, £160, £158, £155, £150 Tarn End; £210 Shethin Farm; £170 Welpo Bridge Farm; £168 Rose Cottage; £168 Greenacres; £165 Riverview; £165 Stonethwaite Farm; £160 (2), £155 Holme House; £160 The Quarters; £154 Moor Platt Farm; £151 Glebe Cottage; £150 Sunnygill Farm; £150 Mill Farm (Noble); £150 The Croft
Charollais (av £146.13) - £230, £202, £170, £154, £150 (2) Tarn End; £170, £160 Holme House
Suffolk (av £134.21) - £168, £159 (2), £155, £150, £148, £145 Holme House; £158, £148 Glebe Cottage; £150 Bolton Hall; £148, £147, £141, £140 (2) Tarn End; £140 Shethin Farm; £140 Demesne
Zwartble (av £127.27) - £130 Glebe Cottage; £130 Shethin Farm
Cheviot (av £76.04) - £128, £104 Stonethwaite Farm; £126 Glebe Cottage; £122, £100 Ranbeck; £117 Holme House; £110 Sleddale Hall; £110 Sunnygill Farm; £105 Skelling Farm; £104 Riverview
Mule (av £96.37) - £126, £111 Ireby Hall; £123 Glebe Cottage; £115, £112 Demesne; £115 Penny Hill; £115 Riverview
Scotch Blackfaced (av £64.28) - £104 Brewery House Barn; £94 Eviestones Farm; £88 Drumreach Farm
Rough Fell (av £61.43) - £104 The Wath
Swaledale (av £56.79) - £92 Gillside
Herdwick (av £55.28) - £78 Fell Foot Farm

Cast Rams £/head
Texel - £185 Holme House
Continental - £160 Holme House; £155 Tarn End
Suffolk - £155 Greenacres
Beltex - £140 (2) West View; £140 Mill Farm; £140 Bromley Green
Cheviot - £140 Skelling Farm

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