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Prime Sheep 160222

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers' Mart LLP held their weekly sale of 3,858 prime sheep, comprising of 1,973 prime hoggs and 1,885 cast ewes and rams.

Another good show of prime hoggs was forward with handy-weights achieving last week’s good returns. An SQQ average of 269ppk was achieved, topping at 382ppk for a cracking 39kg Texel hogg from Messrs R Noble, Murrah Hall, realising £149, purchased by West Scottish Lamb. The sale topped per-head at £150 (349ppk) for a 43kg Beltex hogg from Messrs R & JM Ridley, Ranbeck, also purchased by West Scottish Lamb.

Heavy-weight hoggs accounted for more than half of today’s sale, dropping in value but keeping above the national average, with 64kg Suffolk cross hoggs realising £139 from Messrs WM & DW Hutton, Fern House, selling to Mr M Lomax. Messrs HM & R Ivinson & Sons, Hole House, sold a run of fifty Mule hoggs to average £125 per head, topping at £129 for a pen of seventeen, weighing 61kg, purchased by Mr J Tucker.

The cast ewe ring showed the other side of the coin compared to the prime hogg trade. Demand was huge with several classes being £10 plus dearer on the week with an overall sale average of £116.26, topping at £238 for a Texel ewe from Holme House, selling to Mr J Tucker.

A total of 232 cast ewes and rams sold in excess of £150, with cast rams topping at £195 for a Charollais purchased by Mr M Lomax.

Plenty of demand for heavy, fat ewes was witnessed, with these being short of buyers requirements. English Mules achieved £134 per head from Mr G Pyman, Park View. Pure Suffolks topped at £172 from Mr Thomas Powley, Blands Farm, with all Suffolks selling to average £137.52.

Horned ewes were very good to sell and demand surpassed vendors expectations. Backmuir Livestock sold Scotch Blackfaced ewes to £124, with this breed averaging £87.30.

All classes are required for next weeks sale, while demand is expected to hold with purchasers seeing a tightening in supply.

Leading Prices
Prime Hoggs p/kg
Texel – 382.0 Murrah Hall; 347.0, 298.0 Moss Dyke; 346.0, 292.0 Brockwoodlees Farm; 342.0, 295.0 Crosby Hall; 341.0, 298.0 High Knipe; 340.0 Stewart Lane; 339.0 Ploveriggs; 335.0, 308.0 Glaslyn House; 335.0, 285.0 Gillside; 328.0 Hewer Hill; 324.0, 305.0, 293.0 Sleddale Hall; 323.0 Woodfoot; 319.0, 317.0, 302.0, 281.0, 280.0 Petteril Green; 317.0, 314.0 Park House (Henderson); 297.0 West View (Davidson); 289.0 Station Yard; 286.0 Friarbiggin; 285.0 Manor Farm; 281.0 South Dyke
Beltex – 359.0 Reagill Grange; 354.0, 349.0, 316.0, 289.0 Ranbeck; 345.0 Inglewood Edge; 344.0, 336.0, 318.0, 298.0, 283.0 Skelling Farm; 342.0, 338.0 Brockwoodlees Farm; 314.0, 302.0 Park House (Henderson); 309.0 Petteril Green; 293.0 Reagill Grange
Rouge – 324.0, 283.0 Inglewood Edge; 284.0 Hewer Hill
Continental – 308.0 Hollands; 306.0, 295.0 Inglewood Edge; 300.0 Ranbeck; 300.0 Thorneythwaite; 286.0 Glaslyn House; 283.0 Station Yard; 282.0 Skelling Farm; 280.0 Glebe Road
Suffolk – 285.0, 269.0, 262.0 West End; 265.0 Westray; 263.0 Far Bank End; 262.0 Colstons
Herdwick – 273.0 Gillside; 234.0 High Lodore Farm
Mule – 272.0 Glaslyn House; 252.0, 243.0 Hollands; 242.0 Crosby Hall; 238.0, 232.0, 230.0 Fog Close; 235.0 Street House (Maughan); 234.0 Reagill Grange
Cheviot – 260.0 High Lodore Farm; 256.0 Colstons
Cheviot Mule – 240.0 Greenbank Farm
Swaledale – 227.0 Low Abbey

Prime Hoggs £/head
Beltex - £150, £145, £139 Ranbeck; £148 (2), £140, £131, £130 Skelling Farm; £142, £130 Brockwoodlees Farm; £140 Reagill Grange; £139, £138 Park House (Henderson); £139 Petteril Grange; £138 Inglewood Edge
Texel - £149 Murrah Hall; £149 Ploveriggs; £144, £137, £130 Gillside; £141 Hewer Hill; £140 (2) High Knipe; £139 Woodfoot; £138 Park House (Henderson); £136, £134 Manor Farm; £136 Stewart Lane; £134, £133 (2) Petteril Green; £134, £133 Thorneythwaite; £134 Glaslyn House; £133 Park House (Henderson); £133 Sleddale Hall; £133 Station Yard; £132 (2) Moss Dyke; £131, £130 Crosby Hall; £131 Smallthwaite House; £130 (2) High Knipe; £130 Kirkbarrow Hall
Continental - £141, £128 Thorneythwaite; £136, £132, £129 Sceugh Dyke; £131 Pennine View; £130, £128 (2), £125 Station Yard; £130 Thwaite Hall; £129, £125 Ranbeck; £125 Brockwoodlees Farm
Suffolk - £139, £125 Fern House; £123 Sceugh Dyke; £120 Thwaite Hall; £120 East Cliff
Mule - £129, £124, £121 Hole House (Ivinson); £119 (2) Waterside House; £115 (2) Street House (Maughan); £112 Glaslyn House
Rouge - £128 Hewer Hill; £123 Inglewood Edge
Cheviot - £124 Farmanby; £117 Chapel Farm; £115 Greenbank Farm; £112 Murrah Hall
Herdwick - £120 Gillside
Swaledale - £110 Low Abbey

Cast Ewes
Texel - £238, £210, £180, £168, £166, £154, £146 Holme House; £235, £180, £157, £141 Tarn End; £235, £176 Greenacres; £192, £180, £165 (2), £161, £160, £150, £143 Backmuir Farm; £185 Inglewood Edge; £178, £154 Brockwoodlees Farm; £177, £164 Hermitage; £170, £154 Murrah Hall £168 West View; £156 Woodfoot; £148 Lankaber; £148 Drumreach Farm; £145, £142 Riverview
BDM - £178, £142 Holme House
Continental - £175, £156, £153, £150 Holme House; £172 Hermitage; £160 West View; £154 (2) Backmuir Farm; £154 Sewell House; £146 Ploveriggs; £143 Colstons; £140 Swainsea Barn Farm; £140 Smallthwaite Farms
Suffolk - £172, £162 Blands Farm; £168, £148, £144, £140 (2) Backmuir Farm; £158, £151, £150, £142 Holme House; £156, £143, £142, £140 Tarn End; £156 Lankaber; £149 South Dyke; £144, £140 Riverview; £140 Brayton Road
Charollais - £162, £148 Holme House; £160, £148 Tarn End
Beltex - £152 (2) Inglewood Edge; £152, £144 Crosby Hall; £150 Skelling Farm
Cheviot - £142, £135, £130 (2), £128, £124 Backmuir Farm; £136 Brayton Road; £133 Holme House; £132 Crosby Hall; £131, £123 Riverview; £131 Chapel Farm (Weir); £125 Drumreach Farm; £124 Fawcett Park; £121 Greenacres; £120 Stewart Lane; £120 Skelling Farm
Cheviot Mule - £139, £130 Backmuir Farm
Bluefaced Leicester - £138 Tarn End; £133 Swainsea Barn Farm
Mule - £134 Park View; £130 Yanwath Woodhouse; £130 Crosby Hall; £129 Lankaber; £128, £126 Riverview; £127 (2), £124 Backmuir Farm; £120 Swainsea Barn Farm
Scotch Blackfaced - £124, £90 Backmuir Farm; £98, £85 Greenacres; £97, £89, £87, £85 Holme House; £96, £88 Sleddale Hall; £95 Riverview; £94 & £86 Drumreach Farm; £88 Stenries
Swaledale - £90 Sleddale Hall; £80 Shire Lodge; £80 Lower Gate Farm
Jacob - £90 Stenries
Herdwick - £89 Clea Hall; £80 Chapel Farm (Weir)

Cast Rams
Charollais - £195, £158 Holme House
Texel - £180, £158 Holme House
Beltex - £165, £150 Espland House; £140 Holme House
Cheviot - £160 Holme House
Bluefaced Leicester - £142 Holme House
Suffolk - £142 Greenacres

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