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Store Hoggs - 02.02.22

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 200 store hoggs.

Plenty of demand for store hoggs with all classes good to sell. Peaking at £120 ahead, for a pen of 5 Dutch Spotted tup hoggs from A C Smyth, Four Seasons selling to Mr J Tucker. With the whole sale averaging £100.10.
More numbers are required to fulfil demand each fortnight.

Leading Prices
Suffolk: £112 Cape Farm
Dutch Spotted - £120 Fourseasons
Continental - £113 Church View; £113 Tara; £110, £102 Garth House; £107 Wickerslack
Texel - £110 Church Farm
Mule - £95 Cape Farm

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