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Prime Sheep 271021

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their weekly sale of 3,757 prime sheep, comprising of 2,333 prime lambs & 1,424 cast ewes and rams.

A larger show of prime lambs was forward to a complete ringside of buyers, with more numbers required to fill orders. The SQQ average was 256ppk, up 6ppk on the week, with an overall average of 249ppk being achieved. The sale topped at 318ppk for a pen of 39kg Beltex lambs from Messrs PJ & ES Rogerson, Maisongill, realising £124, purchased by Mr J Blenkhorn.

Numerous pens of lambs were achieving in excess of 300ppk, with Messrs Lowis, Galloper Park, selling 26 Beltex lambs to average £121.88/300ppk/40kg.

The whole sale averaged £115.23, topping at £167 for Suffolk cross Texel lambs, weighing 66kg from Messrs TD Hewetson, Scales Hall, purchased by West Scottish Lamb.

Heavy Texel lambs from Amy Wilson, Undercragg, topped at £165, with this run averaging £137. Mule lambs from the same home achieved £131 for 57kg, purchased by Mr N Lomax.

Handier weight Mule lambs topped at 239ppk from Messrs Fleming & Wilson, Low Mill, for a pen weighing 46kg, realising £110, purchased by Mr R Skelton, with this run averaging £119.33.

Mr Wilson, South View, Ellonby, sold a run of fifty Suffolk cross Mule and Texel cross Mule lambs to average £133 for 54kg. Mr M Powell, Brimmer Head, Grasmere, sold 35kg Badger Face lambs to £84/240ppk.

Handy weight lambs were in short supply with many more required on a weekly basis.

A much sharper trade was witnessed in the ewe section with many ewes up £10 per head on the week, with numbers well short. The sale topped at £168 for a pen of eight Beltex ewes from Messrs G & JE Bell, Far Broom, purchased by Yorkshire Halal, this run averaged £151.76.

Heavy ewes regularly achieved over £130 per head, topping at £149 for a pair of pure Suffolks purchased by Pak Mecca Meats Ltd.

Cheviot ewes were most noticeably sharper, topping at £128 for Park Cheviots, with numerous pens achieving £90-£97 per head.

All customers seemed very eager to purchase with extra orders in place, this helping to achieve a much sharper trade.

Swaledale wether shearlings topped at £99 per head from F Blackburn, Church Farm.

Numbers are required for next weeks sale, please do not hesitate to contact to Andrew Maughan on 07717611952 for further information.

Leading Prices

Prime Lambs p/kg
Beltex – 318.0, 298.0, 295.0, 285.0, 283.0, 266.0 Maisongill; 316.0, 308.0, 305.0, 297.0, 267.0 Galloper Park; 312.0, 302.0 Town Head (Potter); 307.0, 293.0, 260.0 Ranbeck; 305.0, 298.0 Waterside Farm; 303.0 Woodfoot; 298.0, 296.0, 289.0, 277.0, 274.0, 268.0, 262.0 Smallthwaite House; 286.0, 285.0, 279.0 Asby Mill; 280.0, 276.0, 269.0, 260.0 Woodfoot; 261.0 Sleagill House
Continental – 314.0, 270.0 Dacre Banks Farm; 311.0, 281.0, 277.0 Wreay Hall Farm; 297.0 Clea Mire; 286.0 Hewer Hill; 284.0, 273.0, 271.0 Low House (Dickinson); 283.0, 280.0, 273.0, 270.0 Home Farm (Metcalfe); 280.0 Fowrass; 275.0, 274.0 West View (Davidson); 271.0 Silverband
Texel – 311.0, 298.0 (2), 288.0 Glaslyn House; 308.0, 305.0 (2), 295.0 (2), 291.0, 284.0 Crosby Hall; 303.0, 288.0 (2), 287.0, 285.0, 279.0 Bank House; 300.0 Crosby Lodge; 296.0 (2), 291.0, 279.0 Peterhouse; 290.0 Moss Dyke; 289.0, 283.0 Clifton Moor Farm; 288.0, 275.0 Howrigg; 287.0, 274.0, 273.0 Brockwoodlees Farm; 286.0, 277.0, 273.0 Undercragg; 285.0, 277.0 Town Head (Potter); 279.0 Clea Mire; 278.0 Ratten Castle; 274.0 Milburn Grange; 274.0 Hardrigg Hall
Rouge – 259.0 Hewer Hill
Suffolk – 257.0 Lodge Farm (Mallinson); 253.0, 247.0 Scales Hall (Hewetson); 253.0 Town Head (Potter); 251.0, 248.0 Sleagill House; 247.0 South View; 247.0 Fog Close; 243.0, 241.0 Waterside House; 243.0 Merryvale; 243.0 Crosby Hall; 242.0 Hallgarth; 241.0 Colstons
Cheviot Mule – 247.0, 245.0 Ranbeck
Cheviot – 239.0 High Lodore Farm; 238.0, 237.0, 235.0 Greenbank Farm
Mule – 239.0, 234.0 Low Mill; 233.0 (2) Tarn House; 233.0, 230.0 Undercragg; 232.0, 230.0 Harbour Flatt; 231.0, 230.0 Waterside House; 227.0 Peterhouse; 223.0 Reagill Grange

Prime Lambs £/head
Suffolk - £167, £136 Scales Hall (Hewetson); £146, £131 South View; £138, £124 Sleagill House; £137 Broomhill; £135, £124 Waterside House; £132 Dacre Banks Farm; £129, £124, £128 Wreay Hall Farm; £125 Ratten Castle; £124, £120 Scales Farm (Pollock); £124 Town Head (Potter); £124 Crindledyke; £124 Crosby Hall; £121 Longlands; £120 Fowrass
Texel - £165, £140, £134 (2), £131, £130 Undercragg; £161, £136, £130 Scales Hall (Hewetson); £147 Waterside House; £145 Harbour Flatt; £141, £136 (2), £135, £130, £128 Clifton Moor Farm; £139 (2), £134, £127 Peterhouse; £136, £130 Threlkeld Hall; £134 Bells View; £134 Clea Mire; £133 South View; £133 Howgill; £132 Broomhill; £130 Crosby Hall; £127 Hardrigg Hall; £127 Milburn Grange; £126 Brockwoodlees Farm; £126 Fowrass
Continental - £143 Clifton Moor Farm; £140, £135, £133 Wreay Hall Farm; £134 Silverband; £129, £127 Bromley Green; £129 Maisongill; £129 Scales Hall (Hewetson); £128 Ranbeck; £126 Home Farm (Metcalfe); £126 Low House (Dickinson)
Beltex – £142, £130, £126 Smallthwaite House; £134, £133 Town Head (Potter); £130, £124, £122 Maisongill; £126 (2), £122 Ranbeck; £125 (2) Waterside Farm; £125, £123, £120 (3) Galloper Park; £122, £121 Woodfoot
Cheviot Mule - £135, £126 Ranbeck
Mule - £131, £121 Undercragg; £129, £127 Waterside House; £124, £110 Low Mill; £116, £108 Harbour Flatt; £111 Peterhouse; £107 Reagill Grange; £107 Tarn House
Zwartble - £123 Merryvale
Rouge - £114 Hewer Hill
Cheviot - £107, £102, £94 Greenbank Farm; £98, £97 High Lodore Farm

Cast Ewes £/head
Beltex - £168 Far Broom; £137 Park House Farm (Brown)
Texel – £165 Green Farm (Hodgson); £148, £123, £116 Drumreach Farm; £146 (3), £137 (2), £128, £122, £119 Grassgarth; £146 Sandwick Farm; £144 Scales Hall (Hewetson); £138, £124, £120, £117 Fawcett Park; £138 Woodfoot; £137, £136, £120 Glenzier Foot Farm; £128 Fowrass; £126 Borrans Hill;£ 126 Jerusalem Farm; £125, £124 Riverview; £125 High Knipe; £124 (2), £111 Haltcliffe Bridge; £122, £115 Milburn Grange; £122 Clifton Moor Farm; £121 (2), £118, £111 Glenzier Foot Farm; £118 Park House Farm (Brown); £117, £112 Howgill; £113 Bromley Green; £111 (3) Low Garth
Continental - £150, £128, £115, £114, £113 (2), £112 Breaks Hall; £144, £122, £112, £111 (2) Scales Hall (Hewetson); £130, £111 (2) Borrans Hill; £128 Green Farm (Hodgson); £119, £116 Riverview; £119 Howgill; £117 Sleagill House; £115 Drumreach Farm; £113 Park House Farm (Brown); £112 Skelling Farm
Suffolk – £149, £128, £119, £115, £110 Riverview; £141, £120, £119 (2), £118 Scales Hall (Hewetson); £133 Far Broom; £132 Green Farm (Hodgson); £127, £115 Town Foot (Greenop); £126 (2) Demesne (Robley); £119 Glenzier Foot Farm; £111 Drumreach Farm
Cheviot - £128, £109, £107, £97, £96, £92 Riverview; £95 Drumreach Farm
B.D.M - £128 Park House Farm (Brown)
Mule – £102 Brackenburgh Home Farm; £101 Demesne (Robley); £95, £90 Riverview; £93 Drumreach Farm; £93 Cragg Farm; £92 Town Foot (Greenop); £91 Street; £91 High & Low Buildings; £90 (2) Lodge Farm (Mallinson); £90 Milburn Grange
Cheviot Mule – £101 Riverview
Masham - £98 Brackenburgh Home Farm
Scotch Blackfaced – £76 Riverview; £70 Drumreach Farm
Herdwick - £70, £53 Anns Cottage; £64 Racy Ghyll Farm; £55 Greenlands; £55 Doddick
Swaledale – £60 Riggfoot Farm; £60 The Old Forge; £58 Scales Farm (Braithwaite); £56 Hollins Farm; £55 Well House

Cast Rams £/head
Suffolk - £150, £135 Sleagill House
Texel - £140 Town Foot (Greenop); £128 Hardrigg Hall; £128 Skelling Farm; £125 Drumreach Farm
Half-Bred - £126 Riverview
Bluefaced Leicester - £125 Scales Farm (Braithwaite)
Cheviot – £114, £100 Riverview; £108 Drumreach Farm
Scotch Blackfaced – £108 Drumreach Farm
Swaledale – £99 Church Farm
Herdwick - £80 Anns Cottage

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