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Prime Sheep 201021

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their weekly sale of 4,703 prime sheep, comprising of 2,101 prime lambs & 2,602 cast ewes and rams.

A larger show of prime stock was forward, with demand being very strong throughout. Orders were said to be short of numbers for all weights and classes. The sale topped at 329ppk for a pen of 17 Beltex lambs weighing 42kg from J & H D Langcake, Sandshills, Keswick, realising £138 a head, selling to Mr M Bowe. This run of 49 lambs averaged 42.5kgs / £130.14 (306ppk).

The whole sale averaged a £112.16, lambs with weight sold regularly at £130 plus, the sale topped at £158 for a Charollais tup lamb from Town End Farm purchased by Mr N Lomax.

Next up at £155 per head was a pen of Suffolk X Texel lambs from Messrs Hewitson, Scales Hall, with this run averaging 62kg/£140.11.

Suffolk X Texel tup lambs, weighing 63kg, from Mr R W Dawson, Hall Bank topped at £148 selling to Mr N Lomax.

Mules seemed to be in great demand, with Messrs W & R Lawson, Stubbsgill achieving £123 for 52kg (237ppk), this run averaged £116.60 (230p/kg) for 50kg. Lighter end of Mules, weighing 46kgs totalled £106 per head from Mr J H Little, Bank End Mill.

Mr M H Elliott, Espland House sold a run of heavy 57kg Beltex lambs to average £144.50.

A superb run of well finished Texel X lambs from Messrs Clubbs, Old Wall averaged 271ppk (£132.67) 48.9kgs.

Weight and plenty of flesh is key at the moment, Messrs R W & G Dickinson, High Knipe sold a run of forty-five to average £128.58/261ppk for 49kgs.

Cast ewes were forward in big numbers once again with all buyers present and active. The sale topped at £196 a head for a pen of Texels from Holme House, selling to Mr Jason Tucker, with numerous others £150 plus with the trade holding strong from start to finish.

Messrs Taylor, Waterhouses sold Swaledale ewes to £71 a head. A ring full of 17 Herdwick wether shearlings and 2 shears sold to £85 a head from first time vendors Messrs E M & J R Irving, Stockdale Farm. A ring full of 32 Scotch Blackfaced from Backmuir Livestock achieved £72 selling to Uldale.

Plenty of cast tups £130 plus, topping at £160 for a Beltex from Mr M H Elliott, selling to Mr Ditta.

Leading Prices

Prime Lambs p/kg
Beltex – 329.0, 302.0 (2), 277.0 Sandhills; 312.0, 295.0 (2), 293.0, 280.0 Grange Hall; 312.0, 271.0 Newbiggin Farm; 295.0, 281.0, 273.0, 260.0 Langton Field; 293.0, 290.0, 284.0 Skelling Farm; 293.0, 277.0, 268.0, 267.0 Sycamore Rise; 280.0 Shap Abbey; 274.0 Manor Farm (Pearson); 272.0, 261.0 Fenton Farm; 263.0 Espland House
Texel – 305.0 Moss Dyke; 293.0 Threlkeld Hall; 289.0, 281.0, 273.0 Sickergill; 283.0, 264.0 Staingills; 281.0, 260.0 Old Wall; 280.0 Moss Dyke; 277.0 (2), 274.0, 267.0 (2) Birks Head; 275.0 Reagill Grange; 270.0 Shap Abbey; 264.0 Fenton Farm; 263.0 Midtown Farm (Strong); 261.0 (2), 260.0 Oaklands; 261.0 Pear Tree House; 260.0 Grange Hall; 260.0 Newbiggin Farm
Continental – 300.0, 264.0 Staingills; 298.0, 285.0, 279.0, 269.0 Barnskew; 291.0, 280.0, 276.0, 263.0 (2) Waterside House; 289.0, 286.0, 285.0 (2), 283.0 (2), 270.0 High Knipe; 267.0 Tymparon Hall; 264.0, 263.0 Drawbriggs Court
Charollais – 261.0 Tilery Farm
Suffolk – 243.0 Midtown Farm (Strong); 242.0, 240.0 Hole House (Coulston); 242.0 Nook Farm; 241.0 Waterside House; 240.0 Hall Bank; 240.0 Shap Abbey
Mule – 237.0, 228.0, 227.0 Stubsgill Farm; 235.0 High Howe; 230.0 Bank End Mill; 230.0 Keisley; 227.0, 225.0 Howgill Castle; 224.0 Gill Head; 224.0 Baggra Yeat
Cheviot Mule – 229.0 Skelling Farm; 228.0 Bank Hall

Prime Lambs £/head
Continental - £158, £145 Tarn End; £152, £143, £138 Scales Hall (Hewetson); £141, £137, £136, £134, £131, £130, £128, £127 (2) High Knipe; £137, £134, £133 (2), £129 Waterside House; £137 Sceugh Dyke; £133, £130 Hall Bank; £131 Cairnbridge Farm; £131 Pennine View; £131 Reagill Grange; £130 Hewgill House; £128 Keisley; £127 Hole House (Coulston)
Texel - £155, £152 Scales Hall (Hewetson); £141 Sycamore Rise; £139, £136, £130 Hall Bank; £136 High Oaks Farm; £135, £130 Old Wall; £133, £130 (2) Low Houses (Bell); £132 Ireby Hall; £131 Howrigg; £129 Reagill Grange; £129 Midtown Farm (Strong); £127 Sceugh Dyke; £127 Langton Field
Beltex – £149, £140, £134 Espland House; £138, £130, £127 (2) Sandhills; £133 Sycamore Rise; £131 Shap Abbey; £130 Manor Farm (Pearson); £128 (3), £127 Grange Hall; £128 Fenton Farm; £127 Langton Field
Suffolk - £148 Hall Bank; £136 Midtown Farm (Strong); £133 Nook Farm; £127 Hall Bank; £125 Shap Abbey; £124 Braithwaite Mill; £123 Waterside House; £122 Lodge Farm (Mallinson); £120 Scales Hall (Hewetson); £120 Tilery Farm
Bluefaced Leicester - £142 East Unthank
Mule - £123, £116, £114 Stubsgill Farm; £117, £109 Howgill Castle; £112 Baggra Yeat; £110 Gill Head; £109 Keisley; £108 High Howe; £108 Lea Croft
Charollais - £115 Tilery Farm
Cheviot Mule - £112 Skelling Farm

Cast Ewes £/head
Texel – £196, £188, £172, £170, £160, £119 Holme House; £184, £168 Westward Park; £182, £120 Sickergill; £176, £136, £118 Glenzier Foot Farm; £165, £136, £130, £118 Tarn End; £158 Backmuir Farm; £142, £118 Greenacres; £138, £118 Gate Farm; £134 Surron Court; £130 High Field (Dinsdale); £118 Tilery Farm
Beltex - £180 Espland House; £172 Glenzier Foot Farm; £130 High Field (Dinsdale); £128 Shap Abbey
Continental - £158, £136, £134, £120 Tarn End; £126 High Field (Dinsdale); £120 Backmuir Farm; £118 Sunny Bank; £117 Skelling Farm
Charollais – £146, £132 Holme House; £142 Surron Court; £136 Tarn End
Suffolk – £128, £117, £113 Tarn End; £118, £117, £114 Holme House; £116 Gate Farm; £112 Shap Abbey
Bluefaced Leicester - £124, £120 Hewgill House
Zwartble - £107, £103 Greenacres
Cheviot Mule – £105 Riverview
Cheviot - £103 Surron Court; £99 Skelling Farm; £98 Backmuir Farm; £97 Holme House; £96, £85 Gate Farm; £91 Riverview; £86 Stonethwaite Farm; £85 (2) Hole Farm (Mark)
Mule – £99 Lodge Farm (Mallinson); £95 Greenacres; £95 Waterhouses; £94 Backmuir Farm; £93 Gate Farm; £92 Riverview
Goat - £82 Lunesdale House
Scotch Blackfaced – £72 Backmuir Farm
Swaledale – £71 Waterhouses; £63 Greenhow; £61 Baggra Yeat; £60 Mid Toddhills
Herdwick - £70 Stonethwaite Farm

Cast Rams £/head
Beltex - £160 Espland House; £140 Tarn End
Cheviot - £138 Holme House
Texel - £132 Holme House
Suffolk - £132 Holme House
Bluefaced Leicester - £126 Backmuir Farm
Herdwick - £85 Stockdale Farm

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