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Store Lambs 131021

On Wednesday Penrith & District Farmers’ Mart LLP held their fortnightly sale of 1200 Store Lambs for all classes.

Demand for store lambs was very strong, with numerous new faces around the ringside with plenty of pens of lambs realising £90 per head plus.

The sale topped at £109 ahead for Texel lambs from Mr J R Jackson, Scales Hall, Renwick, with a run of 42 averaging £95.10.

Another good stock of lambs from Messrs E A & A Dodd, Roanstrees, Newcastleton selling a run of Suffolk X Lambs to average £96.47.

There seems to be plenty of demand for store lambs, with more numbers required for our sale in a fortnight, please advise entries to the mart office.

Leading Prices
Texel - £109, £95, £94, £84 Scales Hall; £96, £92 Thorneyscale; £95, £91, £90, £81 Sockbridge Hall; £91 Dry Howe; £88, £83 Burthwaite Farm; £88 Ingledene; £83 North Gill Bank; £82 Todd Farm; £81 Grange Farm
Continental - £102 Yew Tree Farm; £98 Scales Hall; £96 Roanstrees; £91, £88, £85, £81, £75 (2) Weasdale; £76, £73 (2), £70 Cross Keys; £73 Ingledene; £73 Midtown Farm, £70 Low Street Farm Cottage
Suffolk - £101, £94 Scales Hall; £97 Roanstrees; £82 Kitridding Farm; £81 Todd Farm; £80 Far Bank End
Beltex - £91, £83, £80 (2) Midtown Farm; £91 (2), £82 How Hill; £89 Ingledene
Kerry Hill - £85 Murray House
Cheviot - £83 Weasdale; £75 Keenground Farm
Mule - £78 Yew Tree Farm; £77 Kitridding Farm; £75 Wythop Hall Farm, £71 Grange Farm; £70 Ingledene
Herdwick - £57 How Hill

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